Chapter Twenty

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Wooyoung stormed off into his room, shutting the door behind him, not noticing San behind it. He took off his coat off aggressively and threw it on the rocking chair they had. He quickly got on his bed, sat down on it with his back leaned against the hard bed's headboard. Wooyoung pulled the blanket over his head and started crying hysterically. Everything was a misunderstanding. Yeosang probably thinks of him as a jerk. He never meant to hurt anyone.

"You're an idiot, you're so stupid Jung Wooyoung!" He thought to himself, shaking his head to deny his evil thoughts. "No.. I didn't do anything.."

"Young-ah, let me in, please." San whined behind the door, knocking on it gently to not disturb the other.

"Leave me alone! I just want some time to process things." He sobbed against the pillow which was now in his hands. Wooyoung wasn't good at expressing his feelings, so crying or screaming against pillows made him relax a bit. Others might find it silly but it genuinely helps him most of the time.

San forced the door open and frowned at the sight, sitting on the edge of Wooyoung's bed before bringing him into his own embrace. He gently patted Wooyoung's back while whispering softly against his ear. "Everything is going to be just fine, I promise you. Please, stop crying." He held the boy tighter.

Wooyoung couldn't stop crying. He rested his head on San's shoulder, wiping his tears with San's shirt. San bit his lip, trying to not laugh. It was really funny to him. San could never be mad at Wooyoung, especially right now. He wanted to protect the other and make sure nobody hurts his best friend. Wooyoung was more like a soulmate to him and he knew that they probably knew each other in their past lives. He was sure of it.

Back to Yeosang and Seonghwa who were both now preparing dinner for the other members since they were all hungry because of practice. Yeosang was chopping up the vegetables, such as carrots, celery, onion and garlic while Seonghwa on the other hand was making the stew while the rice was cooking in the rice cooker.

"Is this enough?" Yeosang asked while lifting up the cutting board slightly to show how many vegetables he chopped up. Seonghwa nodded his head as yes. "It's the perfect amount. Can you put them in the stew while I check on the rice?"

"Oh, yeah! I can do that." He responded with excitement and held onto the cutting board gently before pushing the vegetables inside of the stew with his hand. His pinkie accidentally touched the hot pot which caused him to hiss in pain and drop the cutting board.

This startled Seonghwa quite a bit. Not only because of the cutting board but also because Yeosang hurt himself. Seonghwa rushed to Yeosang and held his wrist in his own hand before dragging him to the sink, turning the cold water on. Seonghwa gently pushed Yeosang's hand under the cold water and turned his gaze to look at the younger worriedly. "Did it hurt a lot?"

"Nnh.." That was all Yeosang could say. He was sniffling and trying to look away from Seonghwa. Yeosang felt embarrassed that he couldn't do anything right. He held onto the side of his jeans with his free hand.

Seonghwa noticed the expression on Yeosang's face and turned his worried face into a soft smile. This made Yeosang feel a bit better.

"You tried your best and that's what matters. I'm sorry you got hurt because of me." Seonghwa turned the water off and turned to his left to grab a drying cloth, drying Yeosang's hands gently before attaching a bandaid on his pinkie.

What these both boys didn't know was that someone was watching them from afar and I think we all know who it was. Wooyoung. He was clenching his fists with jealousy.

"Why are they acting so close?" He managed to say with a heavy breath. "I don't like it."

(I apologise for taking so much time before updating but i have been super busy! This chapter is very short but I hope you all like it!)

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