Chapter 13: Hero

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A week went by and Hero's life carried on the same. He went to the set and shot his scenes day and night. He would come back to the hotel and do his normal routine and then go to bed thinking of Ella. He knew he couldn't tell anyone what had happened and a part of him wanted to tell the world who he had found, but he knew he was a secret he had to save to keep her safe.

They exchanged texts a few times yet she hadn't been back to his room sense. The smell of her was gone from his sheets, but he could still remember what she felt like, what she tasted like and how she had looked. He would never forget the look on her face when he was going down on her. How relaxed she felt yet so beautiful and confident in her own body.

He missed her everyday, but he knew if texting was all he could get right now he would take it and not complain. Hero wasn't sure how long he could handle this type of "relationship", if that's what you could call all this, but he knew he would try for as long as he can to hold on tight with both arms.

Hero just got out of the shower with the towel wrapped around his waist when he looked at his phone to see only his text to Ella.

How was your day today?

Very simple and easy so he didn't come off needy to her even though deep down he was beyond needy. He needed her and he hoped he would have her very soon.

Hero walked into the bedroom with the towel on his head rather than his waist. He actually loved being naked. It made him feel free in a way and it was easier to air dry the water off rather than with his towel.

He heard a knock on the door and couldn't help to get excited inside in hopes it was her. But his Hope was crushed when the voice on the other end was a male who shouted "Room Service"

"You can just leave it at the door." Hero replied with his heart feeling crushed.

He looked at his phone again and still no reply. He wondered if she was ignoring him. If this was how she would end it. He couldn't help the sadness that clung on to him as he thought of what all this could mean. He wished it was easier, but what was that saying his mother always said?

"If it was easy it wouldn't be worth having."

He would help this was the same situation for that quote to have the same meaning.

After eating his dinner Hero contemplated texting Ella again since she didn't reply to his other three texts from the night. It was already midnight and his phone showed she read the messages but he never saw any dots showing she was going to reply.

Instead he jumped into his bed naked and decided to lay in the dark. When he closed his eyes all he could see was her. Her gorgeous brown hair falling to her shoulders. Her brow eyes warm seeing right through to his soul. Her pink soft lips and he remembers the feeling of them on his. He saw her breasts and nipples and remembers sucking on them and the sound she made. He saw her curves and how it felt to rub his hands all over her soft body feeling every inch of that body so he could memorize it for this exact moment.

Hero couldn't help but grab himself as his cock got hard and fast as he pictured Ella and all the things he wanted to do to her right then. He pumped himself faster as he envisioned her wet pussy and remembered the taste of it. His breathing rapidly growing as he pumped his cock faster and harder imaging being inside her pussy and thrusting into her making her moan his name. He could hear her voice, feel hear breath, see her and as he pictured her closing her eyes, throwing her head back and screaming his name as she orgasm he did the same.

Hero felt relieved and a sense of calm overpowered his body. But when he opened his eyes to see he was alone in his bed he missed her all over again.

He cleaned himself up and decided he would text her one more time. He knew it was late but he didn't care. He needed to see her.

I miss you Ella. I really miss you. Please respond to me just to let me know you're not gone. I don't think I could handle you being gone so soon.

He didn't like the way he sounded needy again but he couldn't help it. He needed her to know he wanted her and needed her.

He starred at his phone for a while but felt defeated when she didn't reply. He put the phone on the night table and rubbed his hands over his face. Could this be what a broken heart feels like? How can he be broken hearted over someone he barely knew? Or never really had? He fought the tears the pricked the back of his eyes not wanting to let the pain truly seep into his pores. Not until he knew for sure what would happen.

Before he could decide anything his phone vibrated and he couldn't help feel a little excitement.

He glanced to see a text from her. His eyes grew big and a part of him wanted to ignore her because he was so hurt, but he missed her so much he couldn't do that to himself.

I missed you too. I'm so sorry I haven't replied work was crazy today then Afton was in a mood. Are you busy tomorrow? I need to see you.

His heart felt warm reading her words. He couldn't believe she missed him too, but was so grateful she did. She made him lose all of his common senses and he felt like an idiot when it came to her, but he knew she was worth it.

Tomorrow I have no scenes to shoot so I'll be at the hotel all day. Come whenever you can. I cannot wait to see you my beautiful Ella.

He saw the three dots appear on the screen. He couldn't help but smile and feel relieved to know she was on the other side.

I cannot wait to see you either my Hero.

He left the message like that replaying her calling him hers. He loved how it sounded and he hoped sleep would come fast to him so morning would grace them even faster.

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