Chapter 17: Ella

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Ella sat on the bed as Hero stood quietly starting out the window. She had been in that room numerous times with the same man, yet this time felt like she had never felt welcomed before. She was not sure what to do. Should she leave and give him space to think? Should she say something? Should she stand up and wrap her arms around him like she had done so many times before? She had no idea what was the right thing to do.

She knew Hero was the father. There was no second guessing that. I guess it's true a girl knows her body better than anyone. She also knew this would completely change both their lives. Ella just wasn't sure in what way and if together or apart.

Ella also knew Hero was still young and has his whole future ahead of him with so much possibilities that does not include a baby or herself. She wanted him to live the best life he could with all his dreams coming true. She didn't expect him to give up everything for her or this baby, but she couldn't help to hope deep down he would.

"Hero..." she finally decided to break the silence.

"I don't expect anything from you. It's like you said we both knew this could never last past the months you were here. I just couldn't live with myself not telling you."

Hero took a deep breath as his shoulders slumped lower and he looked down to the floor.

"I don't know what to say." Hero finally replied almost as a whisper.

Ella stood up and walked to him, hugging him from behind. Hero placed his hand over hers and Ella had never felt more love than she did in that moment. No sex or kiss could compare to the love they shared in that one moment between a touch.

"There's nothing really to say Hero. I'm going to keep the baby and raise it. You will go home to London and live your dreams because you deserve that. If you want to be involved with the baby you can, if not you don't have too. No matter what you choose I will understand. This was definitely more than you bargained for." Ella laughed trying to make a joke, but she could see the pain in Hero's eyes as her turned to look at her.

"I wish I could stay and be the man you need and be there for this baby."  Hero took another deep breath and continued, " but I'm not ready to be a father and a husband."

Even though Ella could respect his choice, it still broke her heart hearing the words fall from his tongue to her ears though she would never admit to it out loud.

Ella placed her hand on his chin and raised his head to look him in the eye. "I didn't expect you too."

She wiped a tear from Hero's cheek and she knew this definitely was the end. This would be the unforgettable goodbye they both dreaded but knew was on the horizon.

"Hero, I will never forget you. You have given me something that is more than just a nice, casual fling. You gave me love, hope and passion again for life. I will always love you and now I will never forget our time together. You will always have me." Ella couldn't stop her tears from falling. She never wanted to say goodbye to Hero. She could of followed him anywhere he wanted her to go, but she knew that could never be possible.

Hero grabbed both Ella's cheeks using his thumbs to wipe her tears away. He looked her dead in the eyes and kissed her deep and hard. The feeling of his tongue wrestling with hers was one she would never forget. It would never be just a kiss, but the saddest goodbye she would ever feel all the way in the pit of her stomach. This would be the last time she touched him, held him, kissed him, even smelt him and yet it felt like a dream.

When Hero was done kissing her, he placed his forehead on hers and they just stood there. Her arms around his waist and his arms around her shoulders. She knew she had to leave soon except she couldn't find the willpower to walk out the door. She just let her tears fall as they just stood there together. No words needed to be said. Just one last chance of love to live through them. One last time.

Heat Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora