Chapter 10: Ella

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Ella lost herself in Hero's lips. The heat inside of her smoldering and she knew she had lost control of herself. Her rational side of the brain was either shut off or silenced, but at the same time she didn't care. She wanted him, all of him and she wouldn't deny it anymore.

She slowly pulled away from his warm lips. She looked into his green eyes to see the want he has for her.

"Why me?" Ella whispered.

Hero blinked a few times looking taken back at her question.

"What?" He finally replied.

"Why me? I am not skinny or young. I'm a wife and mother and just a preschool teacher. I don't live this fun extravagant life like you do." She felt the tears prick the back of her eyes but she blinked them away keeping them back as much as possible before she came apart in front of this man.

Hero placed his hand on Ella's cheek and starred into her eyes. She swore she saw sympathy in them.

Hero took a deep breath then said, "You are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. I've only known you twenty four hours, but I can tell your heart is full of so much love and you give as much as you can to so many others that there's nothing left to take care of you."

He placed his forehead against hers and took a deep breath. Then continued, "I know this is an odd circumstance and it doesn't make any sense to either of us. I would understand if you decide to walk out of here and never think of me again. But I want you, all of you and I cannot fight it anymore. You make me go crazy inside and if I don't have you soon I think I'll lose my mind. I want to take care of you and make you feel the way you should feel everyday. No, you are not those things; you are better. But I won't do anything unless you say to. I care for you too much to make you feel uncomfortable."

Ella melted in Hero's embrace just then. She knew her choice and there was no changing her mind. She wanted him, needed him and now she had him. There was no turning back and a big part of her didn't care.

She walked over to a chair that sat across from the bed. She looked out the window to see the pond. She had been there so many times before with her daughter and husband. She took a deep breath, closed her eyes and whispered "Im so sorry."

She turned towards Hero, "Close the blinds."

He seemed shocked almost, stuck where he was before he made his ways to both windows and closed the blinds. He then stood right in front of her not saying a word, but questioning her with his eyes.

She placed her purse on the chair and looked into his green eyes again. She stepped closer to him so she could feel his heavy breathing while his chest moved up and down frantically. She placed one hand on his chest and the other on the back of his neck. She layer her lips onto the side of his neck and began leaving light kisses. She felt him place his hands on her back and heard the breath escape his lips.

She stopped for a moment and looked at him again. It took him a while to open his eyes which made her more aroused. She could feel his cock hard and pressing against her lower belly. She knew he was ready and so was she.

Hero began kissing her again this time more fire and passion. It was as if she was the water he had been dying for for years and now he would not let her go. He lowered his hands to her ass and squeezed letting her know he loved all of her body, even the parts she couldn't stand acknowledging when she observed herself in the mirror.

Their breaths mirrored each other as the heat burned inside both of them. She pulled away long enough to pull off his shirt. She was pleasantly shocked to find his body was chiseled to perfection. He had muscles, but not too many he felt like a rock. His skin was so soft she could rub her hands over his body and in and day out.

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