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I never knew I could live this way; choose to live my life this way. Here I was a wife, a mother, a simple person with a simple job and a way of life that I loved with all my heart. I love my husband with all my heart. I chose him, chose to live our lives together until the day we die and to never be unfaithful. But here I am standing outside of a hotel room that does not have my husband on the other side of the door waiting for me to knock. Instead I have a man I never thought would want anything to do with me, let alone want more than just to know me. He wants me. He wants my body. I know if I knock on that door then there is no going back to that simple life I had before; to be that simple woman I was before. Do I want to do this?

Before I could even make a choice he opens the door. Wearing a white tshirt and blue jeans. His hair is slick back and his eyes scream lust as they scan my body up and down. He licks his lips before meeting my eyes and I melt. I have no control over any part of myself and I think he knows it too.

"I'm glad you came." He days after what feels like an hour of just standing right in front of him.

All I can do is smile. There are no words for me to express as I stare at this gorgeous man that cannot be even real. I am terrified to see what his body looks like without he clothing clinging on to his body. My body begins to heat up as I picture his pants falling to the floor.

"Would you like to come in?" He puts his hand out and my hands begins to shake. Every fiber of my being wants to grab it and be taken away by him. But another part of me is reminded of the husband I have at home.

Guilt is starting to sink in as I contemplate what is the right choice. What do I do? I know once I decide to walk through those doors there is no going back. I have already taken a huge step with the lie I told to come here tonight. Am I ready to change my entire life in the blink of an eye? Or is this change exactly what I need to find the person I am now? Can he help me find myself again?

Before I knew it, before I even really thought about it I made my choice and I know nothing will be the same again.

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