Chapter 2: Hero

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Hero woke up to the sound of his phone vibrating on the night table next to his bed. He slowly lifted his hand to reach for the phone when he came up short and let his hand fall back on the bed above his head. He let out a grunt as he continuously listened to the buzzing his phone made and it started to annoy him. Finally he lifted his body slight off the bed and reached harder to grab his phone turning off the noise. He laid on his back rubbing his eyes then starring at the ceiling. It was just another white ceiling with lights above him. Just Luke the ones he say last week at a different hotel he was staying at. He knew it wouldn't belong before Vince, his manager, would be calling to let him know he needed to be at the shoot in an hour. Hero was no stranger to what it took to getting to a photo shoot since he'd been modeling since he was eighteen. Some would say he was a pro at the young age of twenty two and now with the movie After he had made, and the second, he was a well known name people knew around the world. Yet, somehow, he never felt completely. He still felt something missing from his life, but he had no idea what.

Again, he heard the buzzing from his phone and knew exactly who was on the other end.

"Good morning Vince."

"Hey Hero! Are you excited for the big day?"

Vince was always excited to say every job Hero had was a "big day" and technically it was. If it wasn't for the jobs Hero wouldn't be living his dream. He just wished Vince wasn't always so chipper in the mornings. Hero hated happy people before coffee.

"Almost Vince. Once I stop talking to you and get my morning masterbation  going I think I'll be more ready."

Hero knew Vince would flinch at his choice of words and it always made him a little happier to put a sock in Vince's morning happiness.

"Alright then, you have an hour before the car arrives to take you to the first location of your movie. You're in a very small town so don't be surprised when they don't have your big city regulars you are use too."

Hero just nod knowing Vince couldn't see him, but wanting the conversation to be over already.

"Alright, have a great day Hero. I'll talk to you soon."

The phone call clicked and Hero put the phone down on the bed by his side as he rubbed his hand over his face. He contemplated actually masterbating to help relieve some of the sadness he was feeling, but settled for a cold shower instead. Something about the water hitting his back just made him wake up a little bit more in the mornings.

Once Hero was dressed he checked the clock to see he had a good ten minutes before his car would arrive. He decided to put on his jacket and head downstairs to wait outside while he lit a cigarette. He knew it was a bad habit, but he couldn't help but stop as it was one of the only things to calm his stress he felt on occasion.

When Hero exited the hotel lobby looked around at all the parked cars. This for sure was a small ass town. Even though he was in a feature film they had put him in a hotel closet to the first location to be shot, which meant the Holiday Inn was the best they could get him in this town. It wasn't horrible. The people were nice and it was clean. But you could tell this was a small town surrounded by other small towns while most people drove their way to South Lake Tahoe or Sacramento California. This was not the town to stop and go to your favorite extravagant restaurant you had been waiting months to get into.

Hero blew out smoke when he saw his car pull up. Bill was the driver who picked him up from the airport the day before and Hero had asked if he could be his driver for the reminder of his time in this area. The producers of the film had no problem obliging to Hero's request for he didn't have many. His uncle had told him the less he requests the more respect he will receive as an actor. That never left Hero's mind when his uncle had told him that from his first movie when he was eleven years old.

"Good morning Bill."

"Good morning Mr. Tiffin." Bill said with a big smile on his face as he opened the back door.

"Please Bill call me Hero." Hero smiled back. He couldn't help but smile at him for he reminded Hero of a grandfather. He had white hair with a white mustache and his smile always reached his eyes.

Bill chuckled a little, "I will defiantly try to call you first name basis, but it will be hard to do so with that accent of yours. You sound so proper that if I don't call you Mr. Tiffin I'll feel so unprofessional."

Hero couldn't help but laugh. Americans never could handle British accents. It was either the men thought they were always serious people and the ladies would drool and drop their panties to it. Either way it never bother Hero one bit.

"Whatever you need to do, but I will still call you Bill."

"Yes sir. Off to the movie location?"

"First, I woke up late. Is there a Starbucks around?"

"Yes right across the street sir."

"Great let's stop there first or I won't be able to function today."

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