We Were Destined To Rule Over

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Revelations 5:10 tells us that Jesus has made us a kingdom of priests so that we may reign upon the earth. If this is the reason why Jesus saved us, then why are many of us in a hurry to get out of this world? Either through rapture or hoping that the world will end.

Revelations 5:10 reminds me of what Genesis 1:26 said, that God created us in His image and likeness so that we may rule over His creation. This means that Jesus saved us from our sins so that we can take on our original calling, which is to rule over the earth? In fact, Psalm 8:4 & 6 explain this, "[4] What is man that You take thought of him, and the son of man that You care for him?... [6] You make him to rule over the works of Your hands; You have put all things under his feet"

The word "reign" in Greek has a similar meaning to the word "rule over" in Hebrews. To rule over in Hebrew is Radah! It does not mean to lord over, but to take care of the things God has entrusted to you.

I believe the reason why many viruses have come to plague us is that we have not taken care of earth properly! We have been managing it to suit our gains and not according to how God designed things. When we grow thousands of pigs or ten thousands of chicken in one location, thus allowing the build-up of disease that is beyond medicine's ability to control. When we let over 14 million people congest a city, like Metro Manila, we give viruses the power to spread like wildfire.

Is this the way God wants us to take care of the earth? Did you hear of what He did in Babel? God destroyed the tower they were building because they started to decide what is good and bad, without consulting the Lord. God scattered them, so that they may fill the earth and take care of it properly.

I believe the reason why man has not been able to take good care of the earth is because we believe that we are just passing through and that this is not where we should be. But while we believe that we are citizens of heaven, didn't Jesus say in Mark 1:15 that He has brought His kingdom here? Besides, if the earth is the Lord's and everything in it, as Psalm 1:24 says, then the earth is part of the kingdom of heaven as well. Therefore, we are not passing through. We are here because Jesus wants us to rule over the earth.

We should stop wanting to leave this world and start taking our calling seriously. If rapture comes, then let it come. But in the meantime, we focus our energy on being good stewards for the Lord by taking good care of the things He entrusted to us. So that we may hear Jesus say, "Well done, good and faithful servant!"

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