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There are two important things I learned when I jumped from the corporate world to my own entrepreneurial venture.

The first thing I learned is, contrary to what most people say, entrepreneurship is not about taking risks. Instead, it is about finding prudent ways to maximize the returns of a person's limited resources, thus creating breakthroughs. Because an entrepreneur does not have the backing and resources of a large corporation, he must use "what is in his hands" to move from a position of need to a position of relative abundance. He will need creativity, diligence, perseverance and humility in order to do this. Unfortunately, these are traits that cannot be taught in school nor can a corporate experience ensure. They are developed over time, and are by-products of the many trials his business encounters.

An excellent example is Nehemiah. Though he was just a cupbearer for the king of Persia, he approached the rebuilding of the 2.5 kilometer wall of Jerusalem with an entrepreneurial spirit. When he arrived he had to work with meager resources and manage people he did not know. He rebuilt the wall by using only the materials available to him and made a people who were discouraged and divided to work together as one. He even took advantage of the threat of his enemies to encourage the Jews to move faster while maintaining the quality of their work. Because of these, he was able to finish the task in 52 short days. Nehemiah is someone all business people should learn from.

The second thing I learned about business is more important than the first. Because things took a dramatic turn when I understood that God is Owner, while I am His steward.

When I was in HP, I would make plans and present them to my boss for approval so that I can get the resources I needed. So naturally, I brought this approach to the business. I would make my plans and present them to God for His approval so that I can get His blessings. While I knew that He did not approve of some of these plans, because He did not provide for the resources I asked for, I would still proceed with them hoping that He would change His mind. This foolishness led to many failures.

Then one day I realized that God is not just Master, but the Owner of my business. I learned that as Owner, He has His own plans for the venture. My role as steward is to understand His plans so that I can implement them. I changed my approach by asking Him everyday, "What are your plans, Lord? How do you want me to act on them?" I learned this approach from Jesus. In John 5:19 He said, "The Son can do nothing by himself. He does only what he sees the Father doing." I believe this does not mean He has no power to do what He wants, He just chooses not to make any plans for Himself because He only wants to carry out the plans of His Father. I guess this was why He died for us, because it was part of what His Father wants Him to do. When I adapted this approach, amazing things happened in our business. This idea has also drastically changed my approach to life as a whole.

It is important for Christians to acknowledge God as the Owner of their business. As stewards, our role is to faithfully grow the thing He has entrusted us. So that, like a plant, we may become fruitful and be a blessing to the people around us. These are some of the principles we teach in the business training of Semilya Sa Kinabuhi. We wish we could share these lessons to as many people as possible so as we experience breakthroughs upon breakthroughs, we may make this a better world to live in..

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