Aim To Always Do Your Best Everyday!

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As the old year ends and a new one begins, can I ask if your life goal has changed? Siguro ang iba sa inyo would say "oo," pero sa karamihang tao it remains, "to become successfully rich!"

As time has made me wiser, I realized that this goal of becoming successfully rich has, in fact, made many Filipinos remain poor. Did this conclusion shock you? Let me explain why I say this. I discovered that when people make it their ambition to become successfully rich, they will focus their attention on looking for big opportunities that will make them achieve this goal in the shortest possible time. I believe this explains why many millennials hop from one job to another. While a handful gets lucky to find good opportunities, most people end up growing old still jumping from one business to another looking for that elusive opportunity.

I discovered that the reason why many people fail with this ambition is because it is impractical to make "success" an ambition because success is just the natural result of being excellent in what you do. In the same way, it is not feasible to make "riches" your goal because it is just the natural reward of success. And recently, I realized something that you can never become excellent at anything if you do not stay put and become faithful to one particular opportunity.

Whenever people ask me about my ambition, I always tell them that my goal in life is to be faithful to the Lord and to be excellent in taking care of the things He has entrusted to me. While I dream of a bright future for my family, our farm, and the foundation, I focus my attention on doing my best today, because life has taught me that when I do this, success will come and riches will follow.

As I wish you a prosperous New Year, I want to suggest an alternative life goal for those who follow Keepers. Sana you would make it your ambition to be faithful to the Lord and to be excellent with the way you take care of the resources He gives and the opportunities He sends your way. Because what you do with what you have today will decide the kind of life you will have in the future.

So my prayer for you is, more than becoming successfully rich, that you will become a blessing to the world and be fruitful for the Lord.

Insights From The Garden - FaithNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ