Why God Allows Difficult Situations!

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People often say that there is no situation so bad that is beyond God's help. This is why Romans 8:28 is comforting because it promises that God will cause all things to work together for the good of those who love Him.

But as I meditate on the lives of the great men in the past I have been wondering, "Does God save us from our bad situation by causing it to work for our good? Or did God allow our bad situation because He is trying to produce something good out of it?"

If David did not become a shepherd he would not have learned how to kill lions and bears with a sling. When he volunteered to fight Goliath, I believe he did not see him as a giant but as a slow-moving bear. That day no one could have killed Goliath except David because none of the soldiers of Israel knew how to kill a bear from a distance.

If Joseph did not become a slave and a prisoner he would not have been able to save Egypt from famine. Because the scope of the work was humongous, only a person who knew how to manage slaves and prisoners could have pulled off the job. In Genesis 50:20 he told his brothers, "What you meant evil against me God meant for good - in order to preserve many lives." If I look back in our life in Bukidnon, the best learnings we acquired were borne from terrible and painful situations.

Are you in the middle of a bad situation? Is it possible that this is part of God's doing because he is trying to grow your being? I have learned that before God can work through you, He needs to first work in you. So instead of praying for deliverance maybe you should ask God, "What character are You growing and what weakness are You exposing? Help me, Lord, to respond properly".

Maybe God is preparing you for something great, just like the way He had to prepare David and Joseph for their tasks. Maybe He needs to let you go through bad situations so that He can bring out the best from you. May you allow God to make you everything He wants you to be. 

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