Something Amazing Just Happened

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I wish to share something AMAZING with you! As many of you know Semilya has been terribly hit by El Nino (in 2016). We canceled many training sessions because we had no water. So no training, no income. To compound this, we have not been able to produce pechay to fund the farm. As we try to stretch our resources, this morning, after arriving from Manila, I heard what I dreaded to hear. Our bookkeeper said we cannot fund our payables anymore.

Last month I asked God if this is the time to close Semilya. So I met with Dick Ang in Manila to tell him how I feel. Unfortunately, I cannot fill up for what Semilya lacks because our farm was devastated as well. After hearing about our financial position earlier today, I went to play golf so I can talk to God (that is where we often talk). Since Semilya decided never to solicit or beg, I told God that He will have to provide a miracle otherwise we should close. I went home very discouraged.

AND THEN, I received a text from one of Semilya's close friends from Davao. He said he had been wanting to bless Semilya because he has extra funds. But lately, he got so busy to attend to it. That morning he felt a strong burden to tell me about his plan. Can you imagine my shock and excitement? Then out of nowhere, he told me I should not close Semilya because he has been meeting many people who have been blessed by our training, some of them were trained 10 years ago. AMAZING diba!

God answered my question and provided encouragement. He then said he was depositing some money for Semilya so that he can bless it, as it has blessed him and his business. I did not bother to ask how much he was giving, but it was enough to encourage me to press on. When I finally saw what he gave, it was large enough to jumpstart Semliya.

Our God is alive and He deserves all praise.

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