The World Is A Cruel Master

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The world will entice you to embrace its ways but punishes you when you follow it.

Most of the people who avoid reading their Bibles since they feel they are not ready to commit their ways to the Lord. And because they see it as a "book of laws" they shy away from it kasi they feel it will limit them from enjoying life. Besides, they are afraid they can't obey it completely. So they would rather not know God's laws para they do not have to be accountable to them.

These people choose to live according to the ways of the world because they see God as a strict and demanding master. They also feel that His laws are difficult and unreasonable to keep. What they don't realize is that "the world is a cruel master." Let me explain what I mean.

Di ba God said you should not steal? When you choose to disregard this command because "everyone is doing it anyway," who do you think will send you to jail if and when you get caught? Will it be God? Or will it be the world? When God said, do not bear false witness or plainly said, do not lie, and you choose to lie, especially in business, what will happen when you get caught? Di ba, people will no longer trust you and even avoid you? So who then punishes you? Is it the Lord, or the world? Sorry to say, not the Lord, but the world - whom you had chosen to serve. This is why I say, "The world is a cruel master!"

I am now realizing that God does not have to punish us when we choose to reject His laws. All He has to do is to let us bear the consequences of our action, and then lets the world system punish us. Because of this, I am learning that He did not give us His laws to limit our joy, but to protect us from the painful ways of the world. Like Satan, the world will continue to deceive us, by enticing us to enjoy its system then punishes us for obeying its ways. Di ba nga I said, the world is a cruel master?

I really wish that more and more people will read their Bibles and see it for what it is: an instruction manual from a loving Father, who wants to protect His children from a wicked world. We must always remember that this world is a cruel master, but the Lord will always be a loving Father!

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