Carry On

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     It's 10:43am on a relatively normal Tuesday when Perrie's world is turned upside down. They're all sitting in the lounge, smushed together on the couch with the mix men and their girl gang, chatting and laughing and playing some sort of pictionary game on the tv using their phones. Only six people can play at once, but Perrie doesn't mind, content to just watch and trade off phones with Jes, who isn't wild about playing every round either. Claud gives up after three rounds, when it becomes clear that there's no way he'll win, and passes his phone to Randall, who's happy to take over.

It's currently Jesy's turn, so Perrie's just observing. Jes is perched at the edge of her seat next to Perrie, clearly concentrating on whatever she's doodling out. Her tongue is peeking out of her mouth, like it sometimes does when she's really focused, and Perrie can't help but smile.

Jesy wins the round, then stands up to cheer and carry on and gloat at Claud, who's pissy about losing even though he ain't playing anymore.

"Oh, come on! Jade's drawing was so much clearer than yours that round!" Claud insists.

"Yes, but mine was the most stunningly gorgeous, so I win!" Jesy says, sticking her tongue out. Claud pops up then, grabbing Jesy like he's gonna tackle her. Jesy fights him off playfully, so Claud wraps her in a hug, their brief beef already forgotten.

Perrie sees Claud whisper something in Jesy's ear before he starts dancing on her, still keeping her wrapped in his arms.

Jesy throws her head back and laughs, proper big and loud, while she hangs on Claud, who's laughing too.

Everyone is laughing at them at this point, apart from Perrie. She's just sort of... staring.

She looks kind of spooked actually, like maybe she's just seen a ghost, and excuses herself once things get settled down. The game is over anyway, so no one thinks too much of it.

Except for Jade.

When an appropriate amount of time has passed, and Randall and Jason have tucked off to their bunks, Jade decides to tuck off to hers.

Jade doesn't stay in her bunk, though. After retrieving her favorite jumper, a bit cold now that they're no longer all smushed together on the couch, she heads to Perrie's bunk to see what's up.

She knocks on the wall just to the side of Perrie's bed, then waits a few seconds before peeking behind the curtain.

Perrie's there, staring at the wall with her knees brought up to her chest. She doesn't say anything, doesn't even notice that Jade's there until she's crawled up on the bed beside her, patting her thigh.

"Oh, hey," Perrie says, shooting Jade the tiniest smile. "Sorry, I was in a world of me own."

"That's okay," Jade says, settling in next to her. "Is everything alright? You seem a little... I don't know."

Perrie looks at Jade for a long time, clearly debating whether to tell her or not, before deciding to spill the beans. She's gotta tell someone- there's no way she can deal with this all on her own.

"I am a little 'I don't know,'" Perrie says in finger-quotes, resting her head on Jade's shoulder.

"We can talk about it if you want," Jade says, wrapping an arm around Perrie. "Or if it's something more... physical, I can go get Jes, and-"

"No," Perrie says too quickly.

Jade says nothing at first, just looks at Perrie and waits for her to explain. But when Perrie still hasn't said anything after a good minute, Jade starts making guesses.

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