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Eve couldn't sleep. She couldn't help but worry that something bad was going to happen. She looked to Iain as he lay asleep in bed next to her and smiled as she looked to him.

She stood from the bed and walked out of the bedroom as she sled to the doorway of Matildas room and smiled as she looked to her.

Eve stood watching her for a few moments and smiled as she felt an arm wrap around her waist and she looked to Iain

"you should be sleeping" Eve said

"so should you, Tilly is fine. She will always be fine now come back to bed" Iain said as eve nodded as Iain lead her to the bedroom

"I'm not tired" she said as he looked to her and smirked

"well that's funny as neither am I" he said as she looked to him and smirked as he lead her into the bedroom.

He lead her over to their bed and listed her onto it as he grabbed the back of her thighs and pulled her to him as he leant in and kissed her passionately. Eve moaned into the kiss as she kissed him back.

She ran her hands through his hair as they kissed passionately as they stripped off. He lifted her up onto the bed as he climbed on top of her as he pulled her close and pushed into her causing her to moan as he started to move in and out of her.

Eve moaned in pleasure as she pulled him close and kissed him passionately

Eve got to work and smiled as she walked into the staffroom as she saw Ella "hey, how's things. Since the court case" Ella asked as Eve looked to her and smiled

"they're okay, I'm just tired that's all. I can't sleep much, I'm scared that he will try and take her" eve said as Ella looked to her and smiled

"she's your daughter, she's your baby and she is going to be okay, I know that your terrified but she is safe with you and Iain and he is gone" Ella said as eve looked to her sister and smiled

"the thing with our father is, he is never gone as much as I wish that he was. He's still around. I know that he is" eve said as Ella smiled

"try and move on with your life, Tilly is save with you and Iain, her parents where she belongs" Ella said as eve looked to her sister and smiled.

Eve knew Ella was trying to reassure her that it would all be okay but eve was unsure. Eve couldn't shift the feeling that she had

she felt like something bad was going to happen and she just couldn't shift it. Eve just opened it was all In her head and that it would all be okay

Eve sighed as she walked into the house with Matilda and smiled "did you have a god day" eve asked as Matilda smiled

"yes mummy" Matilda said as eve smiled as she walked into the kitchen and paled as she saw her father with a knife

"tilly, take mummy's phone and run. Call daddy" eve said as she handed Matilda her phone and watched her as she ran out. She looked to her father as he came at her with a knife and stabbed her

"I'm going to find your little brat and kill her too" he spat as eve fell to the floor bleeding.

Eve just hoped Matilda had managed to run and get a hold of Iain with one thought in her mind; was she going to die?

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