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Eve sighed as she and Iain waited anxiously. She was scared and worried over Matilda. She didn't want to loose Matilda and she was scared "what if there's something seriously wrong Iain, there has to be a reason that they haven't been to inform us what happened, what if she's in there dying and we're out here like where nobody's. I am a doctor I should be in there" eve said as she went to walk off towards resus as Iain grabbed her by the waist and smiled as he held close "you can't go in there eve and you know it, you may be a doctor but you can't be there. Your a mother first and that's what you have to be. A mother and you have to wait here on me and it's going to be okay, she's going to be okay she's our little girl. She has to be" Iain said as he wrapped his arms around her and held her close and smiled.

Connie walked out of resus and walked over to eve and Iain. Eve looked to the blank expression on her face and sighed. She knew something was wrong "she ain't okay is she" eve asked as Connie walked over and smiled "there's been a complication. We got her CT scans back and there is a bleed on the brain, you needs emergency surgery as soon as possible" Connie said as eve looked to her and sighed as she ran her hands through her hair. She sat down and started to cry, she couldn't bare it. She couldn't face the thought of something happening to Matilda and she couldn't loose her. Iain sat next to her and wrapped an arm next to her and smiled "it's going to be okay. I promise you" Iain said as he held her close.


Later that day, Matilda was in surgery as eve and Iain sat anxiously. Iain took a hold of her hand and smiled "she's going to be okay, she's a little girl and she's only three and I can't bear the thought of loosing her" eve sobbed as Iain wrapped an arm around her and hugged her and smiled. "It's going to be okay" Iain said as eve looked to him and smiled. She knew he was as scared as her and she knew that he was as scared as she was, they didn't want to loose Matilda.


Later that day, eve smiled as she sat next to Matilda's bedside with Iain as the door opened. Eve looked up and frowned as she saw her dad and step mother walk in. She looked to them and frowned "what is going on" eve asked as she saw her older sister walk in after them "dad don't do this" she said as John looked to them "what's going on" "your step mother and I are going for full custody of Matilda, she's on hospital because of you and it's obvious that you can't look after her and your stepmother can't have children of her own" John said as eve looked to him and glared "no, no way in hell you are taking my baby" eve yelled "we are we have filled the paperwork" he said as he walked off as Iain wrapped an arm around her and held her close "they won't get her, I promise" Iain said knowing the last think they wanted was to loose their little girl.

A/N: Ella walked and any kiddies she has belongs to _X_Sammii_X_

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