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Eve sighed to herself as she woke up in bed with Iain. She looked to him as she stood from the bed ad sighed. She grabbed her dressing gown off of the floor and walekd out of the room. She couldnt believe that she and Iain had been so stupid.  Eve knew that there had to be a reason that they always ended up in bed together. She knew that they had matilda together and that he wanted to be in her life and eve didnt have a problem with that, the problem that she had was with herself. She hated how she kept on ending up in bed with him. "mummy?" Matilda called as Eve stood in the kitchen as she tied up the mess from the night before. She placed left over Chinese food in the fridge and smiled as she picked matilda up. She brushed her blonde hair out of her face and kissed her cheek "where's my daddy?" she asked as Eve sighed "im here" Iain called as Matilda looked to him and jumped down from Eves arms and ran over to Iain who picked her up "why you here?" she asked as Iain looked to her "I thought that I would come for breakfast" he said as matilda looked to him and smiled "matilda, go and get dressed I need to talk to your dad" Eve said as matilda nodded.

Iain walekd over to eve and she sighed. He placed a hand on her side and she sighed "I cant do this Iain, its just sex. You broke my heart and that's that" she said as he sighed "you realise that's how we started in the first place, eve, if I have to wait I will because I know that you love me still like I love you" he said as Matilda ran down and smiled. Eve looked to her and smiled "she's the only reason that I haven't kicked you out on your arse" she spat as she pushed him away.


Eve got to work and sighed to herself as she ran her hands through her hair. She stood in cubicals and Cal walekd over to her and smiled "whets going on with you and Iain?" he asked as she felt herself tense slightly "what do you mean?" she asked as he looked to her and sighed "I see how you look at each other, you two are either back together or having sex? no one looks to their ex like that unless there is so sort of sex involved" Cal said as Eve sighed "its complicated and none of your business" she said as she slammed the file that she was holding down and walked off.

Eve walked into the ambulance bay and spotted Iain. He stood by the office and smiled as he walked out and over to where she was standing "hey" he said as she looked to him. She ran a hand through her hair and looked to him "so, I've been thinking a lot and maybe you are right and that I still love you but I also know that you hurt me, you hurt me more than I thought anyone could and I dont want it to be like that again" eve said as he smiled to her "hurting you was the biggest mistake and I wont do it again, trust me" he said as he placed a hand on her cheek. She looked to him and sighed. She knew that he was right and that he was falling for her again. She just didnt know if she could trust him not to hurt her again.

Shes all that matters (Casualty)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ