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Eve sighed as she held the pregnancy test in front of her "holy shit" she said as she ran a hand through her hair and looked to the positive results. She placed the test on the counter and sighed. She was pregnant and she didnt know what to do about it. She and her boyfriedn Iain dean had only been together for a few months and the fact that they hadnt bee ncareful and resulted in her getting pregnant terrifed her. Eve didnt know how iain was gonig to react to all of this, they hadnt even spoke about kids. Eve walked out of her bathroom and grabbed her phone ringing iain. She knew that he deserved to know the truth, even though that she didnt know how he would react. Iain didnt answer the one and eve was annoyed by it. She needed to talk to him. She wanted him to tell her that it was all gonig to be alright even if she thought it wasnt going to be. Eve sighed as she grabbed her bag off of the side and her car kys. She knew it was Iains day off and that she eeded to talk to him as soon as she could.

Eve drove to iains and sat in the car for a moment. She looked to the pregnancy test and sighed, she still couldnt beleive that they had been so reckless. Eve grabbed the key that iain had gave her and let herself into his flat. She frowned to herslef as it seemd as if Iain wasnt home. She sighed and walked into the kitchen where she heard giggling from upstairs "iain?" eve called as she headed towards the stairs. There was no answer. Eve walked up tpwards the bedroom and opened the door and fet her heart shatter, break in half as she seen iain in bed with another woman "eve? what are you doing here?" iain said as he pushed the brunette that was on top of him off of him" "i came to see you, but i see that you have other thing on you, you cheating scum" eve siad "im sorry" "so am i" eve said as she turned to walk away "eve, wait" iain called as he walked after her. He grabbed a pair of boxers and slid them on as he followed her out of her house 

"hold on, its not what you thing" iain said as eve laughed bitterely "dont, im not stupid, i know what it was, You were chating on me, i thought i emant something to you.  i thought you loved me" "i do, i messed up please"  Iain said as eve looked to him "i know you did, here" eve said as threw the pregnancy test at him "before you ask its yours and i dont cheat, not unlike you" eve siad as she got into the car and drove off, as iain picked up the pregnancy test and looked at it. He knew it was his and that he was going to be a father. He needed to win her back. Little did iain know by the next morning Eve would be gone and to never be seen and with his baby too. Iain knew he had messed up big time. He was left asking if she woudl ever return and if she had kept his baby?

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