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Eve sighed as she stood packing. She couldn't believe that she and Iain were going to do this, they were going to run and keep their daughter with them save.

Eve sighed as she sat on her bedroom floor. She ran her hands through her hair and sighed as Iain walked into the room. He looked to even and smiled

"are you okay?" He asked as she looked to him and nodded

"I'm okay, I just have to do this for our daughter. But how do we do this, my mum is going to watch Matilda as we go to court. I'd we loose do we take her and run?" Eve asked as Iain looked to her and nodded

"pretty much, I know that your scared but she is our daughter, she's our baby and we are her parents and we need to do all we can and there's a high chance that we won't loose. We're her parents, we're good parents and she doesn't your father or that bit who wants to play mummy" Iain said as eve looked to him and smiled

"I'm just so scared Iain, she is my world and she has always been my world and the thought of loosing her terrifies me" eve said as Iain grabbed her hand and pulled her to end feet and smiled

"we won't loose her no matter what I promise" Iain said

Eve sighed as she stood pacing at court. She looked to see Ella who walked over to her and hugged her "what are you going here?" Eve asked as Ella smiled

"I'm here to support my sister, mum is watching Tilly so I thought id come and stop that monster from taking her. You should t have to fight for your own child. You two are great parents" Ella said as Iain wrapped an arm around eve and pulled her close

"I've told her that no matter what happens here today that we won't loose her, she's our daughter at the end of the day" Iain said as eve smiled. Eve looked as they looked to see someone walk out of the courtroom and sighed

"that's us babe" Iain said as eve nodded as Iain took a hold of her hand as they walked into the room. She glanced across at her father and is whore of a new wife and glared knowing that he was dead to her. She couldn't believe he was doing this

"I have gone over the case and the notes and I believe it's the best interest in the child that she stays at home with her parents. Case dismissed" the judge said as eve sighed to hers,Ed feeling relieved as Iain pulled her close and hugged her

"I told you it would be okay" he did

Eve and Iain walked out of the court room "you think that you are clever, that child is in danger" eve heard her father say.

She turned to face him and rolled her eyes "no she is not, she'd be in danger with you I remember all that you did. The kicks the punches and there's no way I'd let my daughter go through that" eve said as she looked to her fathers whore as she walked over

"Richard, I want that child. I told you I want her, I want her to be my child and to call me mummy" she said as eve looked to her

"get your own child. Your not having mine but then again you can't have children. If you don't mind me I'm going home to be with my daughter" eve said as she and Iain walked off.

Eve knew that this wasn't the end of it and that her father wouldn't step down with this but eve knew she wasn't going to let him near her daughter

Eve got to her mums and frowned as she saw Matilda and smiled as she walked over to er and hugged her

"mummy loved you so much remember that baby girl and so does daddy and it's all going to be okay" eve said as she held Matilda close.

Unaware as she and Iain were planning on moving forward with Matilda that her father was plotting his revenge against her and how it was all going to be turned upside down for them

Shes all that matters (Casualty)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang