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Eve lay on the floor. She was bleeding. She looked as her father ran out of the house.

She knew that she was scared and she wasn't scared for herself. Her father had stabbed her and she was bleeding but she didn't care for herself. She was scared for Matilda and she was scared that her father was going to get her and she was terrified as she knew that the last thing they she wanted was for Matilda to get hurt.

Eve knew that she was all that mattered and nothing else did. Eve could feel herself loose consciousness. She had no idea just how Matilda had got away and had managed to call Iain.

Matilda was hiding along the street. She was scared and she was scared. She knew that she saw her mummy stabbed and it scared her and she didn't know what to do. She looked to see a car pull up and sobbed

"Tilly" Iain called as Matilda walked out from where she was standing. She had Eve phone in her hand as she ran into Iain's arms as he picked her up as she started to cry

"it's okay baby. Daddy is here" Iain said knowing he needed to get Matilda save and find Eve

Iain got to the ED. He had found Eve unconscious and bleeding and he was worried.

He held Matilda on his hip as Eve was lead off to reuse. She looked to see Ella and Claire as they walked in. Claire took Matilda from Iain and walked off

"let's go and get some chocolate with grandma" Claire said as Matilda nodded. Ella looked to Iain and smiled

"I know that your worried and that tour scared but you know Eve and you know that she is a fighter and she will be okay. My father got arrested and he isn't going to hurt any of you again" Ella said as Iain looked to her and smiled

"I thought they she was dead. She scarified herself for Tilly and that is what makes her a great mum and why I love her. I just can't loose her. I can't" Iain said as he started to cry as Ella placed a hand on his arm and smiled

"you won't I know my sister and she is going to be okay I promise" Ella said as he looked to her and smiled. Iain was worried over what eve had been through and he only hoped thst ella was right and that she would pull through

Iain walked into Eve room and sighed as he sat next to her bed and smiled as he took a hold of her hand, she had been to emergency surgery and she still hadn't woke up. Iain felt sick with worry and he only wanted her to be okay and it terrified him

"I'm so sorry I wasn't there with you when you were going through hell but I am here for you now and I swear your going to be okay as your a fighter and I need you and so does Tilly and we're all going to be okay. I promise" Iain said as he took a hold of her hand as he looked to her as she lay unconscious but would eve really be okay?

Shes all that matters (Casualty)Where stories live. Discover now