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Eve was the ex girlfriend of Iain dean. He cheated on her when she went to tell him she was pregnant. She couldn't bare it and left.

Tow years later, Eve is back and with Iain's daughter. Iain is shocked when he sees eve and realizes that he is a father. Iain wants to be a part of his daughters life, he's lost two years and doesn't want to loose anymore. Eve agrees knowing that their daughter needs a father.

Soon Eve and Iain go through being co parents go sleeping together. Eve knows Its wrong especially when he broke her heart. But she still loves him deep down and is drawn to him. They can't keep away frk. each other. But can they put their differences a side for the sake of their daughter and co parent or will their feelings for each other. Get go be too much?

A/n I own Eve walker and Matilda walker any any other kiddies she has.

Published: 23rd October 2017

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