The only source of noise is the sound of Alastor's grandfather clock and the scratching of his pen when he is signing papers at his desk. Jasper tenses up when hearing a thump close by. He stops to look around him but he saw nothing that cause these small noises. This action made Alastor grin. Sending one of his shadows to made the demon jump from his spot is amusing to him. "Why are you jumpy, young lad? No need to be scared of everything since this hotel is quite old." Alastor comments with a chuckle. Jasper shakes in his spot then mutters an apology to resume his work. 

Alastor put down his pen to stare at Jasper. This long stare made Jasper more nervous. "Now then, young Jasper. How do you die and why someone young like you are in this place? I'm dying to know." His left index finger tap against the desk's surface, waiting for the demon's answer. Jasper looks down at the paper piles, refusing to meet his eyes. "You know, it is rude not to answer my question." Jasper almost yelps when he lifts his head up. Alastor appears next to him with his glowing eyes. The sound of static fills the air. 

His right right clasp on Jasper's shoulder, his nails dig into his suit. "I am waiting for an answer, young man. It is not a good idea to test my patience." Alastor spoke in a calm tone. Jasper felt his heart is going to burst out of his chest. It is difficult to breathe. Cold sweat rolls down Jasper's face. "...1929...I-I...was stealing" Jasper croaks out. The air around them lightens as Alastor releases his grip on his shoulder. His eyes sparkle at the memories of that year. "Ah! The stock market crash. What a time to lived in! You are a lucky lad!" Alastor turns away from Jasper. The timid demon fell on his knees from the fear he had experienced. 

Why he has to face this scary demon? He didn't do anything wrong. 

Alastor turns back to Jasper who lost the feeling of his legs. He pulls Jasper to his feet, forcing him to be on his feet. "Now now, young man. You have so much work to do and so little time!" Alastor announces. Jasper shakes when seeing Alastor's eyes glow brighter. "Even if you are from my time, it doesn't mean I will show leniency." Alastor chuckles then return back to his desk. Jasper shakily separate the papers on their piles. In the midst of working, he tries to figure out why this demon is giving him a hard time. Trying to look back in his memories, he doesn't even meet the radio demon once - alive or dead. 

Yesterday is the only time the met with Belial. He stops in place when something clicks in his mind. Out of emotions, he had greet Belial with a tearful embrace. That's when he thought he heard the sound of static. The static he heard from Alastor just now proves that it is from him at that moment. The static had become louder when he was close to the blind woman. Jasper sneaks a glance at Alastor to see him reading one of the papers. The timid demon finishes his work.

"Oh, are you done young man?" Alastor puts down his paper with that same grin. His eyes boring into Jasper's soul. Facing down the radio demon, Jasper takes in a breath of confidence like Belial. 

Does the radio demon want him dead because of him or he is around Belial? 

He doesn't know if he is stupid or brave but he wants to test something. 

"Y-you aren't worthy of being around Lady Belial's presence.He declares, looking back at Alastor. Belial deserves better in Jasper's eyes. He saw how much she sacrifice  for the Magne family. She looks at him like he is a person, not like a dirt on the street. This demon isn't worthy to recieve Belial's attention or even her smile. This is what Jasper felt about the radio demon now.

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He thought Alastor was scary before. This is a different for Jasper. For the first time, he thought he was facing the embodiment of nightmares. Standing before him is Alastor standing 10 feet tall with his horns stretch out. His limbs stretch out as his nails became sharper - ready to tear Jasper apart. The sound of static became louder which made his ears hurt. Jasper fell on his bottom, looking up at Alastor with pure fear. "You really want to die so badly, don't you young man?" Alastor spoke in a static like voice, "Very well! I'm more that happy to fulfill your wishes..."

Jasper is really an idiot! 

Out of instincts, Jasper quickly left his spot to narrowly avoids Alastor's right hand reaching for him. Jasper slams against the door then quickly twists the doorknob. Like a headless chicken, Jasper narrowly escapes death from the growling deer demon. Jasper doesn't even look back to see if the radio demon is chasing him. Racing down the many stairs, Jasper kept his lips shut as he was given another job from Charlie. 

Anything to get away from Alastor is good enough for him! 


A/N: Run, Jasper, Run! 

If you get that reference, you get a gold star...




Jasper must be protected...he is quite a smart cookie under all that timid personality. If only he is brave like Belial. 



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