Chapter 15:Personal First

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Trenece knew that she would have to tell her husband sooner or later that she was pregnant but she thought the timing was really bad. King knew his wife was pregnant again he wanted to trust his wife enough to know that she wouldn't hide anything from him and it was really starting to bother him that Trenece still hasn't said anything to him yet but he's tryna be patient because of this fucked up situation. Alisa is very pregant and this pregnancy is a lot more stressful than the last because she's older now and duty calls so she has to be there especially when it comes to the family. Dana is having a really hard time with her sisters and her husband. She cant help that she's a grade a asshole. She was born that way and their father was the asshole of all assholes so she had it honestly.

Trenece- I walk into me and king master suite we have in the house we were staying in, as I was thinking of a way to tell king i was pregnant again he came out the bathroom with a beige towel wrapped around his waist with water dripping down his abs. I was staring so hard I lost focus and felt extra moisture between my legs. I didnt know he had been calling my name until he walked over and tapped my shoulder, i looked up startled as i started to blush and play with my fingers as i looked into his beautiful eyes. "King i have something i wanna talk to you about" i said making eyes contact so that he would know i was serious. "What is it?" He responded as he took up the empty space on the bed next to me. "I'm pregnant" i said in a relieved tone of voice and waited for him to say something. "I knew that already babe, i was just waiting for you to tell me" he said to me as slowly climbed on top of me kissing my neck in between his words. I could barely get my words out i was moaning so much, he trailed kisses down to my stomach and looked at me while sliding my leggings down and over my ankles and feet. He started sucking on my clit slow as i grabbed his head and threw my head back in satisfaction. He stuck one finger into me and that alone drove me crazy as he licked faster, I guess he tired of the tease because he came up and slid into me in one swift motion causing me to moan even louder. He leaned down to my ear and told me to hush so we wouldn't disturb anybody else, but i didn't care my husband was putting in work and i was enjoying myself. Next thing i know a new wave of feelings came over me making me shake and i squirted, king got up and looked at me with amazement in his eyes. I put my head down and blushed in embarrassment, and king came over to me and lifted my head with his index finger and kissed me while he was breathing hard. "Baby you got the best pussy ever girl" he said as he laid back on the bed before we heard yelling and multiple gunshots coming from downstairs.

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