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How do I forget how to spell fifteen 😒 I am stupid!

Okay here is the chapter!

v e r o n i c a
We are boarding the plane to go to California for another tour. I sat in my seat. Me and Matt still haven't made up. In fact him and Sydney have become a lot closer. Me and her haven't made up either. I think that Matt is planing to ask Sydney out. I am really depressed I thought that Matt liked me. Maybe I guessed wrong. We are riding first class so they have alcohol that I can drink. I brought my fake ID that way they will take it. Brent sat next to me. I feel really bad for him. I think he might be cutting

"Brent come here." I hugged him.
"I still can't believe that she would drop me just like that." He said snapping at the end. He started crying. I need to text Sydney.


Dude! Did Brent use to cut?

Umm yeah he did why?

It is nothing.

I looked at Brent. I sneakily pulled up Brent's sleeve. There they were.

"Brent Rivera!" I whisper screamed.
"It is not what you think."
"I did the same" I pulled up my sleeve. I started crying.
"Brent lets just sleep." I told him.
"Good idea." He said. Brent was keeping me in order he is the only one who I trust with my past.

I am trying to write something but I can't think so I will update tomorrow even though I said I couldn't but I will try!!



I am so sorry it is short!

What love is // Matthew EspinosaWhere stories live. Discover now