Twenty Five

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The last chapter.......
😔😔 as I know it is a short book, but I just don't have motivation to write anymore. Sorry Guys you will like the ending though.

-3 years later-


"Today is the day Espinosa. Today is the day." I whispered quietly to myself to make sure Veronica didn't hear.

"What did you say Matt?" Veronica questioned me.

"Nothing, nothing I am just nervous for our first movie to come out." I said nervously.

"Okay...." She said suspiciously laughing. She reached for my hand and held it tight. I could stay in the that moment forever. I was drifting off into the land of my mind. Then my name was called out on to the stage.

"Just like old times" I thought. I joined the old Magcon members out on the stage of Late night with Jimmy Fallon.

"Hey guys!" I said to everyone and Nash's microphone picking up my voice and the speakers piercing it through the room.

"And finally, my personal favorite. Veronica!" Jimmy said his voice booming all around the room.


"Well guys, that does it for this show! Thanks for watching see you tomorrow with Arianna grande and some other people I don't keep up with goodnigh-" Jimmy said, but before he could finish I cut him off.

"Jimmy can I do something?" I asked Jimmy.

"Yeah. Tell me what you are doing though." Jimmy said. I whispered in his ear what I was planning on doing. Jimmy shook his head with agreement. I spun on my heel and headed towards Veronica.

"Veronica. We have been dating forever now. I know we are still young, but your the love of my life. I need you! We have had complications in our life's, but Veronica Kathrine Ross....will you marry me?" I asked Veronica placing my knee right before her foot. She jumped on me and said

"Yes of course I will marry you Matthew Lee Espinosa" she said and hugged me the tightest she ever has.


Me and Matt are happily married with three kids. Yes we have gone through some though things. But we are stronger than ever.
Abby is 4 years old. She grows up so fast it makes me mad! She is an adorable little girl. She has my blue eyes and Matts beautiful dirty blonde hair. She has a cute little button nose and she is so in to fashion. Then there is James he is 13 years old he has my brown hair and matts hazel eyes. He is one crazy kid. We love him to death, just like Abby. Amberlee is our youngest kid she is 3 years old

"Mommy!" Abby yelled running down the stairs. My mother instincts kick in and I run toward her yelling "ambulance or first aid kit! Ambulance or first aid kit!" Matt chuckles at me carrying Abby down the stairs tickling her. I sighed in relief seeing Abby is okay.

"Hey Abby." I said laughing at Matts faces he is making while tickling Abby. Then James walks down the stairs looking proud.

"What did you do James, ask a girl out?" I said joking around.

"Yup." He did smirking.

"Four for you glen coco you go glen coco!" Abby yelled at James. Matt looked at me weird.

"I watched mean girls last night. She wanted to watch with me." I said laughing at Matt and Abby. Then Amberlee came into the kitchen with the rest with us.

"Mommy, on that show we watched last night. The said a word I don't know." Amberlee told me while I was picking her up.

"What was it bugaboo?" I asked Amberlee

"Whore" she said. I widened my eyes. Matt looked at me weird.

"Yeah, what does it mean, Veronica?" Matt asked sarcastically. I rolled my eyes at him.

"It means.....unicorns rainbows and butterflies are my favorite thing ever!" I said, hoping that she doesn't repeat it again.

"Well then I am the biggest whore ever!" Amberlee yelled running down the hallway to her room Abby following her yelling
"No, I am the biggest whore."

James gave me a questioning look. Then stared laughing really hard. Matt joined him. I rolled my eyes.

"Gtfo!" I yelled at James.

"Mom! Don't say that." He pleaded me.

"Honey......I invented that" I said flipping my hair and running away yelling

"Abby, Amberlee. I am the biggest whore!"

"NOPE! Daddy is the biggest whore!" Matt yelled running into their room with me.

~ The end ~

Thanks for reading my book ♥️

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