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Okay I have one more character 😂😂
The last one no more requests taken from now on 😭😭 sorry!
Natalee Grove sorry if I spelt that wrong :(
She is apart of magcon and she is dating jack j and I am making a story about her sorry if it doesn't work out tho I really want or make it!! 😂😂
Also I think a want to make a sequel to this. I know what you are thinking ALREADY!! It is just that I really want a new title 😂😂 anyways here is the update!!

x v e o n i c a x

Me and Sydney went up to our room.
"What room number!" I yelled at Sydney. We have gotten pretty close in one day.
"I DONT KNOW." She yelled
"BRENT!" We both screamed.
"What!?" He asked startled. We both started to laugh.
"What's our room number?" We asked
"I don't know" he said.
"Wow Brent! Thanks for the help. We don't need you if you can't help" I said.
"Well I mean I can think of a few reasons why I want him here" Sydney mumbled softly. It wasn't soft enough. I looked right at Brent and walked up to him.
"You got to...kiss de gurl" I whispered in his ear. I walked away to go find out our room number.
"Don't look back...don't look back...don't do it!" I turned around to see Sydney against the wall and Brent kissing her.
"Use protection!!" I screamed back.
"SHUT UP!!" They both yelled. I laughed an walked to the elevator.
I clicked the L button. It stopped and 3.
"Who's getting on?" I asked myself. The door open to Matt.
"Ayyyye" I said to Matt.
"Where are the love birds as you put it." I asked.
"In our room" he said. I have hims questioning look.
"Doing what?" I asked.
"Umm is better I don't say anything." He said laughing.
"That's a good idea" I said giving him a sly smile.
"Well how bout Brent and Sydney" Matt asked
"Well I mean...the same." I said laughing.
"Then there is us" I said
"Loners" Matt finished.
"Well I mean we did kiss that one time" I said remembering the vomiting. I cringed and looked at Matt.
"That was on pleasurable" We both said at the same time.
"Stop saying what I say" we both said
"STOP!" We both got fell down on the elevator floor laughing. The elevator stopped
"Oops" we both said standing up.
"Well I hope you do like small places." Matt said.
"Ya. I am fine how bout you?"
"I am good"

"Well...umm a-ab-bout that..umm...k-k-kiss." Matt said.
"Ya?" I asked.
"Well do you want to make a new memory for a kiss?" He asked. I smirked.
I started to lean in and so did Matt. We connected our lips again. Our lips connected and the elevator dinged and we jumped back. We looked at the door to see a girl.
"Hi?" She said
"OMG your Natalee!" I said
"OMG your Veronica and your Matthew!" She said
"Well what are you doing here?" I asked
"I am on your flight got delayed" she said smiling.
"Ooh!" Me and Matt said. We got up and walked to the front desk.
"Umm excuse me miss what is my room number again?" I asked
"You could have looked on the key." She said mad.
"OH MAI GOODNESS!" I said my catch phrase from my vines. I heard people laugh.
"Please leave." She said.
"Alright" I said
"Miss pissy pants" I mumbled and Matt laughed.

Okay thanks for reading I will make more chapters before he sequel yay! Bye-bye


What love is // Matthew EspinosaOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora