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Thanks for almost 700 reads :)
This update is for Blueeyes71702 because she asked me to update 😂


I woke up in my bed. I looked over to see what time it was. I saw Matt next to me.

I looked under the covers. I still had my sweatpants and Matt's football sweatshirt on. Thank god! I know that I am a bad girl...some of the time. I still am a virgin so I didn't want to lose that yet.

I got up looked at the time. 8:30am the clock read. I frowned and walked into the bathroom to get ready. I peeled my clothes off. I turned the water valve on and on to a warm temperature. Today was Friday...mine and Matt's date. Okay now I am happy!

I jumped in the shower. I let the warmth of the shower take me over.

After cleansing myself. I put my naturally curly hair in a bun. I got my clothes. Some black leggings and a reindeer sweater with some brown combat boots and a nice bag. (In the media box...like always 👌)
I looked at Matt still sleeping gracefully. Soft snores came through his mouth. I giggled a little and walked back into the bathroom.

I dropped my towel and got in my clothes. I got in my clothes and put on my make-up. I put mascara on and a cat wing. I looked at my blue hair. I don't think I am liking the blue hair anymore. I walked out of the bathroom. Matt...still sleeping. I giggled and got my phone and walked out the door. I stopped at the bus stop. I sat in the cold weather until the bus got there.

I hopped on the bus and sat down.

I got off the bus at the closest target. I walked in the building and went to the hair/make-up section. I looked at the make-up because why not. I got a few make-up things...including things for our date tonight. I got some red matte lip stick, and some nice false lashes. Then I went over to the hair area. I looked around and saw the perfect color...blonde...I mean I want my orignal hair color back. I bought the stuff at target and headed back to my dorm.

When I got back Matt still wasn't awake! Dammit I decided to wake him up... In a fun way. While I was at target I bought some milk. I got the milk at poured it on him!
"Good Morning Matt!" I exclaimed.
"That was not nice Veronica!" Matt yelled.
"Sorry" I said.
"It is fine" Matt said.
"Wanna hug!" Matt said running up to me
"Nope" I said running away
"How bout a kiss?" Matt asked
"Fine" I said. I walked closer to him and leaned in. Our lips connected. We fit together like puzzle pieces. This kiss was different. I felt explosions and fireworks surround us. This was a real kiss. I pulled away
"Whoa" I said
"Whoa" Matt said

Matt is in the shower now I can dye my hair. I got the stuff out of the box and looked how long it would take. 25 minutes. "Good thing Matt takes a long time to get ready" I thought out loud

25 minutes later
"Ding" the timer rung
"Finally!" I exclaimed. I took my hair out of the towel, and it was perfect. Just like when I was little. I knocked on the bathroom door.
"YA!" He yelled back. I opened the door. I grabbed my curling iron and flat iron. I plugged in my flat iron to tame my wild frizzy curly hair.
My now flat hair long hair looks cute. I decided to curl my hair later for our date. Matt got out of the shower and was only in a towel. I couldn't help but stare. I think I might have drooled.
"Like what you see?" Matt questioned
"I-I umm" I stuttered. What's wrong with me I never stutter. Matt is changing me for the better. "I like your hair Veronica" Matt said
"T-Thanks" I stuttered again. DAMMIT!
"Well thanks for the time" Matt chuckled. I blushed and giggled. I pecked his lips and he went back into the bathroom

Okay that's it thanks for reading! Please vote and follow me on Instagram if you want :)
It is @SydneyReign okay and don't forget to vote :)

What love is // Matthew EspinosaWhere stories live. Discover now