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Yes I know I am late but I made an excuse and I used it way to many times so here is my update!
Her outfit is in the media box!!
x v e r o n i c a x
"Hey you want to do something tonight with me and the guys and their girlfriends?" Matt asked
"Hell ya!" I said.
"Okay we leave at 5:30 and it is not that fancy we are just going to the fair." He said.
"Alright that gives me..." I said looking at my phone.
"About an hour and a half. So I better go get the room key and the number so I can get ready." I said
"Okay cya later" he said
"Ya bye." I said and I kissed his cheek. I decided to walk up the stairs I need exercise anyways. I got to the 3rd floor and it opened I walked to the end to see Sydney and Brent.
"Ayeee! What's up love birds!" I said.
"Let me see that key." I said to Brent. He tossed the key and I saw the number on it.
"Okay we are just stupid. Room number 115 bitches!" I said and opened up the door.
"Well I need to shower we are going to the fair tonight!" I said to them.
"We know" Sydney said.
"Well then" I said. We both laughed. I grabbed my clothes and ran into the bathroom.

I stripped of my clothes and literally jumped in the shower...I almost fell. I let the warmth refresh myself.

After my shower. I dried my hair. My stupid curly hair. I flat ironed my hair. My hair looks so long when I straighten it. I looked at the time 30
Minutes left.

I go into my outfit. I pulled my teal high waisted Jean shorts up. I pulled over my head a pink tight cropped tank top. I then put on my white keds and and cute headband.

I came out of the bathroom with 5 minutes before we left. I called Matt.

"Hey Matt I am headed down to the lobby now." I said
"Okay I am down here already, With the guys." He said
"Alright see ya in like 2 minutes."I said then hung up.

I got to the lobby and saw Matt.
"Heyo!" I said to Matt.
"Hey!" He said.
"We are in the 2nd car." He said.
"Okay well let's go they just pulled in." I said.

At the fair.
Me and Matt went on a couple rides with everyone. We all went our separate ways. I went with Matt over to the games.

"Matt please win me a teddy bear." I pleaded.
"Okay fine" he said
"YAY!" I yelled.

"Matt how long does it take to win a bear?" I asked
"Too long" he said throwing the ball and missing again.
"Let me see" I said taking the ball. I have three brothers... They made me play football...I was on the boys football team and I was the quarterback and I was also running back. Matt doesn't know this though. I laughed and said
"I thought you were on football Matt"
"I was" he laughed. I threw the ball it knocked down all the bottles. I handed Matt the bear.
"Here you go" I laughed.

We got back to the hotel and it was 9:30. We are all tired because we just got here today. I went back to my room and I fell right onto my bed. I got up and changed into my pajama's and hoped into bed and fell asleep.

At 1:00am I heard a knock on the door I didn't want Sydney and Brent to wake up. I groaned and went to see who it was. I opened the door and before I saw who it was I rubbed my face.
"Hello Veronica." A deep voice said.
"What the fuck?" I said. I looked to see who it was. My ex-crazy ass boyfriend.
"What the fuck do you want!" I yelled
"I want you." He said. He came after me. I kicked him right in the balls and then karate chopped him while he was down. I then slammed the door and called Matt.
"MATT HURRY! COME HELP ME!" I yelled into the phone. By now Sydney and Brent were up.
"What the frick is happening!?" Brent asked.
"Bad stuff!" I yelled

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Instagram= @SydneyReign
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Vine= Sydney :)
YAY! I updated

O *snap* kay *snap* guys *snap* see *snap* ya *snap* la *snap* ter *snap*
-Rickey Dillion

My hands smell like chicken

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