"Don't be in such a hurry," Professor Curtis insisted with mischief in his eyes.

Eleanor turned around and noticed that he was talking to her. "Professor." She said curtly and placed her hands on her hip. She didn't like the troublesome look in his eyes.

"That attitude won't help you complete your homework. Have it turned in by Wednesday." He commanded and Eleanor's eyes widened at his outrageous idea.

She shook her head and threw her hands in the air. "You just told everyone else to have theirs in by Friday, that's when you'll get mine." She responded shortly and huffed.

Professor Curtis scowled for a second, but then he smiled. "You have by Wednesday to turn in an analysis of Taming of the Shrew." He said snidely.

"No." Eleanor answered calmly, which only lasted for a moment. "I shouldn't have to do more work! I-it's just like you white people to act as if you run everything! You're so arrogant and vapid!" She hissed angrily and clenched her fists.

Professor Curtis laughed and glared at her. "You better watch your colored mouth. My word is final and I expect to see your work on my desk tomorrow morning." He declared and then spoke again. "You colored women need to learn how to be docile and sweet like white women. It's no wonder that-"

"Shut up! You white men are demons and you ruin everything that you touch! Power-hungry cretin!" She bellowed and took a deep breath.

Professor Curtis clenched his jaw and sent Eleanor an icy glare. "Get out of my classroom. That paper won't write itself." He warned her and pointed at the door.

Eleanor sent one last glare at Professor Curtis and stalked out of the door. She hated him, he was everything that infuriated her.

As she rode the bus home, she thought of more reasons why white people were garbage.

Leaving the bus, Eleanor walked into her house and searched for her mother.

"Mama!" She yelled angrily. She had to tell her mother everything about that white demon.

Mildred emerged from the kitchen with an apron tied around her waist and flour on her cheek. "Yes, Hazie? How was class?" She inquired, not quite knowing what she was getting herself into.

Eleanor walked over to her mother and melted in her arms. She had the magic touch to calm her nerves. "It was horrible. I have a demon as a Professor. He's the true form of satan." She explained as her mother ran her fingers through her hair.

"Satan? How so?" Mildred asked curiously.

Eleanor sighed and snuggled closer to her mother. "I was walking to class and he walked into me. He told me to get out of the way, instead of apologizing, so I called him a jerk! A-and then he called me a witch, so I told him off and went to class, only to learn that he's the Professor!" She explained and Mildred shook her head. "When class ended, he gave me extra work and it's due tomorrow! When I told him that I wouldn't do it, along with a few more things, he told me that colored women needed to learn to be sweet and docile like white women! H-he's disgusting!" She finished and held her mother's hand tightly as she recalled his rude behavior.

Mildred sighed. She didn't want Eleanor to have such a Professor, but she knew that Eleanor wouldn't quit. She was too strong-willed for that.

"He sounds like quite the Professor, but don't harden your heart. His behavior doesn't count for all white people, just as God's kindness rests in our hearts, it can rest in the hearts of white people as well." She reassured her daughter and pressed a kiss onto her temple. "Don't let his actions turn you sour, my sweet Hazie. Be ye angry, and sin not: let not the sun go down upon your wrath," Mildred advised her precious girl and went back to the kitchen.

Eleanor sat on the couch and thought about her mother's advice. She knew that God didn't want her to hate anyone, but it was so easy and she had many reasons to hate white people.

"Forgive me, God, for the hate in my heart. Give me strength not to strangle Professor Curtis, and soften my heart to mama's advice. She means well, and she only wants me to stay upright in my faith and have a relationship with You. In Jesus's name, Amen." She prayed quietly and once she was done, she went to her bedroom to start on her assignments.

It would be hard, but Eleanor was not one to quit. She planned on giving Professor Curtis a run for his money.

"Just you wait, Professor Curtis. You'll see." She said determined to prove to that obnoxious white man just how excellent she could be.


Authors Note

Hey y'all!

It's nice to be back with another story! I can't go without writing and updating new books, it's hard.

I hope the chapter was to your taste. As you can tell already, this is much different from my other stories.

How do you like Eleanor? Her spunk and personality are great and she's a doll. She just has a little hate in her heart!

How about Dale? I'm sure he put a sour taste in your mouth. He's crap, for now! You're not going to like him....and that's what makes me happy!

Anywho, the chapters in this story are a little shorter than my normal chapters.

Updates are a little different from my other books as well. I'm updating on Sunday, Tuesday, and Thursday.

That's all for now!

As usual, let me know what you think!

Bye, bye!

Side note:

Eleanor is freaking gorgeous! Whew! She was originally another girl, but I changed her. She fits the image of Eleanor that I have when I think of her as a character.

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