The Sorcerer's Stone

Start from the beginning

"Didn't know you Slytherins could read"

Of course, Leveret. Sierra let out a small sigh pinching the bridge of her nose with her fingers. Before she could reply something Kacey had already beaten her to it. 

"And even without reading, we still have higher grades than you?" Kacey said with a small smirk on her face. It took Sierra by surprise, Kacey had said things before like when she called Pansy pugface, but that was in private. She hadn't seen Kacey call out someone in public yet. 

Sierra leaned her head back looking back at Dante with a smug look on her face. "You lost, Leveret?" 

Dante pulled out the chair next to Sierra taking a seat next to her. "I think I am just where I am supposed to be Barrows" He said picking up a book and examining it before glancing at the stacks of other books. "What are you two looking for anyways?" 

"Say Dante you wouldn't know what an obscurus is would you?" Kacey asked tilting her head slightly. 

It took everything not to choke Kacey at that minute. Why on earth would she just put that information out there like that! Especially Dante out of all people.

"Never heard of it, why?" Dante asked with curiosity basically pouring out of him.

"It's for an extra credit project" Kacey replied looking over at Sierra.

Sierra sighed in relief and continued to flip through some pages. "Well Leveret, there you go, since you say you aren't lost how about you go get lost." Sierra mumbled as she flipped the page on the book she was holding. 

"You know what? I think I'll stay, I'll help" Dante said as he picked up a book and started to flip through the pages. 

...Great... she thought to herself and closed the book not finding anything in it, tossing it to the pile that had the books that had nothing in them. The three continued to go through the books trying to find anything on an obscurus. They had gone through pretty much all of the books without being able to find something. Sierra put down the book she was holding and looked over at Kacey who also seemed to be done. 

"Did you find something?" Sierra asked

"Not a single thing"

The two looked over t Dante who was still flipping through the last book, he put it down shaking his head. 

"Maybe it has something to do with alchemy or potions? Snape- I mean its Snape's class anyways" Kacey said catching herself before revealing any more information. 

"We had an extra credit assignment in potions?" Dante asked furrowing his brows as he looked over at Kacey. 

"Yeah, maybe if you weren't too busy moping around you would have heard him" Sierra added in trying to be as convincing as she could. 

"I swear he never said anything about that" Dante replied crossing his arms.

"It was written on the board"

"Are you sure that was for our class maybe it was for the other years" Dante said

"Maybe, but hopefully he'll see we're up for the challenge" Sierra said looking back at Kacey "Lets go get some Alchemy books" she said as she stood up to go back to the bookshelves. 

After getting a good amount of books in Alchemy she got a side eye from an elf, looking back at the table she realized how many books they had taken out of the shelves, that they wouldn't be needing. Surely there had to be some magical way to put them all bak without making the elves do it right? Walking back to the table she sat down examining the books everyone had brought back. Dante seemed to be gone finally, she opened one of the books and began to make her way to the index when she heard the chair next to hers pull out she glanced over seeing Dante put some books down on the table. Why was he so set in helping out? 

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