Chapter Four: Serendipity

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Kara looked at Lena and back at Alex.

"Lena, can you give me a sec?"

"Of course."

Kara leapt up from the bench, fully recovered from her dizzy spell, and grabbed Alex's arm. She pulled her away out of earshot and whispered quietly.

"You go to your place. I just need a few minutes."

"Kar, this is a bad idea. You know I don't like your girlfriend, but you have a girlfriend and I saw the way the two of you looked at each other."

"Nothing is going to happen. Listen, you have no idea what kind of effect this woman has on me. We spoke for a few hours and she did something to me. Something I never expected, and she makes me feel things no other woman has ever made me feel."

"Kar, I think this is a terrible idea, but I'd be an asshole if I didn't support you. It is Christmas Eve. Just don't do anything stupid. Figure out what you need to figure out and get your ass to my place as soon as you can."

"I will. Thank you Alex. I love you", Kara said throwing her arms around Alex's neck.

Kara let go of Alex and they started walking in separate directions.

Alex turned around and called out.

"Hey Kar!"

"Yeah Alex. What's up?"

"She gorgeous. I get it."

"I fell in love with her long before I saw her face. I didn't see it until tonight."

Alex's upturned grin told Kara that she was moved by their story.

"Go, see if you can find what you're looking for."

Alex turned and walked away.

Kara walked back and rejoined Lena on the bench.

"How are you feeling?", Lena asked.

"Good", Kara said with a bright smile.

"So, what have you been up to for the last two years? The last time we spoke, you were working on that beautiful airport and checking everyone else's work."

"I moved to a different firm called Sheller Blackstone. It's an engineering firm run and operated by women and it is the best job in the world. I love it. I am a senior engineer and I have a team. It's a much better fit."

"Can I admit something a little embarrassing?"


"About a year ago. Actually, it was exactly a year ago, I was working in my office on Christmas Eve and I was thinking about you. I tried calling your old desk line but it went to someone else's voicemail."

"Really? You tried to call?"

"Yeah. Stupid right? Of course you moved on."

"It's not stupid at all. I wish I had been there to receive your call. What about you? What are you up to?"

"I moved to a different better firm. Mason Paddock Roy. I made partner. It's a good job...I just...", Lena said before Kara interrupted.

"I know that firm. I think our firm does work with your firm."

"Small world. Funny that we never ran into each other."

Lena smiled but her eyes looked sad. She looked like she wanted to say something but Kara was too elated to notice. She was just happy to be talking to Lena.

"So, it sounds like we are both in a better place now."

"Sounds like it. I don't know how to ask this next question and tread lightly so I'll just ask. How's the drinking?"

Broken And Beautiful ~ A Supercorp AU FanficTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang