Chapter Eleven: As Promised

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"When did you get home?" Alex asked as she and Sam stepped through the threshold into Kara's apartment.

Alex wrapped her arms around her sister who stood uneasy against her cane.

"We landed a few hours ago. I just came back here to get cleaned up. I need to go find Lena while I still have the courage in my heart."

"Come. Let's sit down for a second", Sam said with a sad smile.

They walked into the living room and took a seat.

"Kar, Lena read your letter", Alex said quickly, hoping to spare Kara pain.

"What? But how?"

Sam moved closer to Kara and placed a hand on her shoulder.

"Her assistant told her about the letter and she requested a copy. We were together when she received it."

"How did she react? Was she angry? Was she swayed at all?"

Sam shook her head.

"We stepped into the other room to give her some privacy. She was quiet and then she left without saying another word to us. I tried calling and texting her, but she just said that she needed some time to get her life in order. I'm not sure what that means. We haven't heard from her since. She never came back to the apartment. I have no idea where she stayed last night."

"Shit. I knew that letter was a mistake. I really hoped my words would get through to her. I know I was an idiot, but I never imagined she would run like this. Do you think she went back to Ireland?"

"I don't know. Text her", Sam suggested.

"I have texted her and she just ignores me. If she isn't giving you information, I fear I won't have much more success."

"What did you say in your letter?" Alex asked tenderly, and without a hint of accusation.

"I told her what happened. I told her I was sorry that it took me so long to explain. I confessed that I loved her and begged her to forgive me. There shouldn't have been anything overtly offensive, unless she decided my explanation wasn't enough."

"Maybe she was just overwhelmed by it all. She has probably spent so much time angry at you that it was hard to hear that this really wasn't your fault. I mean, you should have told her sooner, but the accident wasn't in your control", Sam said wrapping an arm around Kara.

"I really thought I'd be able to tell her face to face. Do you think she's at her office here?"

"I don't know. Give it a try. We can head back to the apartment and see if she makes an appearance. She has the keys to let herself in. I'll send her another text."

"Christmas Eve is in two days. I really hoped that we would finally be together, but this all seems so hopeless."

"Stay strong and have some faith Kara", Alex said caressing Kara's hair and smiling. "Lena's heart will guide her back to you someday."


When Kara awoke Christmas Eve morning, her hip ached, but not as much as her heart. She and Sam had tried every form of communication with Lena but they received no response. Kara felt hollow. She knew that her heartbreak was one-hundred percent her own fault, and she would have to live with the consequences for the rest of her days.

Alex had extended the usual Christmas Eve party invitation to Kara. Her sister was more excited than ever because she was going to introduce Sam to all of their friends and family. Kara wasn't in the mood to celebrate. All she wanted to do was listen to sad Christmas music and pretend to work in her darkened office.

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