Chapter Three: Breaking Down

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The moment Lena stepped foot into her apartment, she broke down into tears. She wasn't sure whether her tears stemmed from the relief of being freed from the elevator or from the pain and darkness in her heart.

She tossed her bags onto the couch, turned on the stereo and poured a large glass of scotch.

"Soldier Of Love", by Sade began to play.

She drank down the entire glass and slammed it down on the table. The last month was the worst of her adult life. It seemed fitting that she would end the year, trapped in an elevator, contemplating public urination.

The only bright light in her night was her conversation with Kara. It was one of the best conversations she had in a very long time. She was always talking to aggressive attorneys and clients. Kara was the opposite of aggressive. She was soft and supportive in all the right ways and Lena needed someone who understood what she needed.

Speaking to Kara made her feel warm and safe, but it also scared her to death. Her heart and her emotions were still raw. She was crying constantly and her consumption of alcohol was bordering on concerning. She knew in her heart that she wasn't ready to feel anything for anyone, but even her short time talking to Kara awoke something inside of her. Something that made her ache. Something that consumed her thoughts and her heart.

Hearing Kara reassure her made her feel stronger. If they had met at a different time, she would have ran to Kara's building. If she was emotionally stable, she would have insisted on meeting Kara, but her heart just wasn't ready. The stress and pain in her life was almost too much to bare. She knew in her heart that she wasn't worthy to take up space in Kara's precious world.

She wanted to see Kara's face and meet her but she knew it wasn't in the cards. She knew that she needed to heal and she couldn't do that trying to start something up with someone new. She would need to be content with the memory of their conversation, but it was important to keep Kara at arms length. She could sense Kara wanting something more from her and she knew she just had nothing worth giving.

She would have to be content with the memory of their conversation. She knew Kara would never be hers but she would try and find a way to say thank you. She could do that much.


"She Lit A Fire", by Lord Huron.

Kara searched for the next week trying to find the woman she spoke to. She went to the Tyson building and tried speaking to security about the trapped woman, but they had no idea what she was talking about. It turned out that having a woman trapped in the elevator on Christmas Eve was no big deal to the people who worked at the Tyson building.

Kara's hope was renewed when she remember she could look at the list of law firms in the building. She ran to the elevator bank and looked at the list of the companies in the building. There were fifteen law firms in the building that started with a G. Kara wondered if she should fight to maintain her connection to Lena or if this was fate telling her to let it go.

Kara returned to the office and sat down at her desk. It was unusual for her to take any time for herself, but her mind was consumed by the mysterious woman.

Kara laid her head down on her desk and gently slammed her head onto the desk a few times.

"Come on Kara. Get a fucking grip. You never even saw her face", Kara muttered to herself as she continued to pound her head against the desk. "Please let her be an ugly racist. Knowing my luck, she's stunning. God, please help me."

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