Chapter Five: Setting A Fire (NSFW)

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Lena sat on the floor of her living room surrounded by clothing, toiletries and other odds and ends she was planning on taking to Ireland.

Music played softly in the background and she sipped at a glass of sparkling cider.

"Sleep", by Azure Ray played in the background.

Her apartment was utter chaos, but that was to be expected with such a huge move. She was relieved that Sam would be staying at her place while she was gone. At least she had that one comfort. The idea of spending six months in a foreign country was not attractive to her even though everyone she spoke to expected her to be thrilled with the "new adventure." Lena didn't want adventure. She wanted Kara. Lena buried her face in her hands and chuckled sadly. Her eyes were filled with tears, but she was still in a better place than she was two years before.

"Merry Christmas Lena. You're still a hot fucking mess. You're surrounded by all of your shit, you're all by yourself on Christmas Eve again, and you gave up alcohol so there is no blocking this shit out. Reminder to self, start drinking again. Your conversations with yourself were so much more interesting when you were drinking. You're just fucking dull. Who the fuck are you calling dull? Oh my God. I need to get a pet or something."

A loud knock at the door startled Lena. Her hand jerked and the sparkling cider went flying all over her. She set the glass down on the table and tried, in vain, to wipe the sticky mess from her face. She got to her feet and made her way to the door.

"I should probably ask who is at the door, but maybe it will be a serial killer and they will put me out of my fucking misery."

Lena unlocked the door and threw it open.

All of the breath left Lena's body.

"Hi Lena", Kara said with a sweet smile.

"You're not a serial killer."

"Is that a compliment or an insult?" Kara asked with a little chuckle.

"Fuck. I'm sorry. Let me start again. Hi Kara."

"Listen, before you tell me that it's super gross that I'm here because I have a girlfriend, you should know that I went to Alex's party, found Erin, and asked her if she was cheating on me."

"What did she say?"

"She said, and this is a direct quote, 'Hell fucking yes I'm cheating on you. All you do is work all the time and I need more attention that that'."

Lena had to work to stifle her laughter, but it was too terrible not to laugh a little.

"Holy shit that is awful. Why are you with her?"

"I'm not with her anymore. I gave her a huge kiss on the lips and thanked her for being such a despicable cheating moron. We broke up in front of my whole family and it was glorious. Alex handed me my keys and told me to get the hell out of her apartment or she was going to throw my Christmas present into the fireplace. She meant it."

"Did you really call her a despicable cheating moron?", Lena asked moving closer to Lena. She couldn't help but smile.

"I know you're leaving in two days. I know you're leaving and you need to concentrate on work for the next six months, but I had to come. I had to come and tell you that when you pulled away and stopped talking to me, I was crushed. I was crushed because I liked you. I mean, I know I didn't really know you but I liked you a lot. I had to tell you that as much as I wanted to understand your decision, I didn't. Not fully. So, you felt a little crazy. We are all crazy. I can be full-on batshit crazy sometimes."

Broken And Beautiful ~ A Supercorp AU FanficTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang