Alice by Life

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Everything hurt, my body was suspended in the air. A whimper tried to cut through my throat but the gag stopped it from happening. The gag was harsh on my lips and the way made me almost puke as it was pressed into my mouth. A blindfold made from a scratching material covers my eyes, making the only senses I could use my hearing.

I was so scared, I could feel the wounds on my body bleeding through the rags I was wearing. They were stinging badly, my laboured breathing was not helping and by god I just wanted to go home. Where are my mates, my protectors, my Alphas. I missed and needed my fellow Omegas, needed the comfort that they all provide. I needed to be home. But I couldn't.

I started whimpering once more, the ropes that were keeping me upright are digging into my skin. I tried for the millionth time to move and get out of my restraints, but the ropes just tightened even more. It truly felt like hell.

In the distance I could hear people calling out my name, but it was like they were underwater, their sound muffled by distance and sickness. The blood trickled down from my ear was properly also the reason.

Deep down I knew it was my mates looking for me and I needed to get to them. If I got to them, then my torture would stop. My body started thrashing around, fighting my restraints once more with renewed energy.

I could hear the door open and I quickly stilled my movements. The sickly sour scent hit my nostrils before the man that it belonged to and caused me all of this pain got near me. My captor. He was frantically searching for something in the room, metal clanging against metal. The noise stopped as he found whatever he was looking for and neared me with a knife now in his hand.

"Be very quiet, precious, wouldn't wanna hurt your pretty throat, right?" his voice as sickly as his smell, whispered to me. I could feel the knife press losely against my throat as a warning for me to be quiet. With his other hand he loosened my restraints, making me fall completely against him as I couldn't support my own body.

I bit down a whimper as I felt his arms circle around my waist but not before grazing my lower body for just a little too long. He then took off the ropes around my hands and my wrists screamed in its freedom, having been raised in the air for too long.

I was only given a few seconds of freedom when he pulled my arms behind my back and then tied me up again. Someone end this torture. He started to walk with me out the door but I had been suspended for too long and I could barely feel my legs, making it extremely hard for me to walk.

I stumbled as I was dragged through the place I was held, my whole body shaking. I could not see where we were going and not knowing where to place my feet made our walk slow and agonizing. Where are my mates, I know I heard them. Or was that just my mind playing tricks on me, it has done so before. Please, just somebody save me. My body was trying to emit smells so that they could find me, but whatever this person had drugged me with made it impossible to do so and therefore a futile attempt.

I could hear my name being called once more, this time closer and the man started to run with me, desperately trying to get out. They must be here, they must, otherwise why was he trying to escape. He was trying to get away from my mates. He knew what would happen if they caught him and it wouldn't be a pretty sight. We turned a corner and I could hear a growl coming from ahead.

"Let her go NOW!" a familiar but then again unfamiliar voice said. It was weird I knew it was my mate's voice but I couldn't pinpoint just whose it was. I hadn't been gone for so long, had I? The Alpha voice roared through the air against my captor but even I could feel the powerful effects of it. His voice was filled with so much rage and control, I have never heard any of my mates like that before and I was happy that it wasn't directed at me.

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