Shove It

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Father's Point of View

Wolf had suggested through mind link with me that he could be the one to take her wings.

I had responded by telling him to shove it and that he wasn't going to be hurting more angels.

He may have paid off some of his moral debt, but I still don't forgive him for the way he tortured the angels in his past. I don't believe in real torture for one's sins, but if I wanted to torture an angel it would be him.

I watch the gates again, having already dismissed the angel that was sitting in for me.

Having no threat here I might just send her to Earth on a simple mission. One that could keep her out of trouble.

I tune in to the prayers sent my way.

'Please God, please don't let me die.' A woman cries.

'Dear God, let this check go well and let us introduce a new baby in our life.' A man prays.

'Lord, we thank you for this blessed meal and let us nourish our bodies from this food before us.' A child prays.

I listen more, thinking of the desperation in each human's voice. Normally when waiting for new arrivals I listen to prayers and I send some angels out to answer some prayers.

I feel a presence and look up to see a man standing at the end of the pathway.

"I died, didn't I?" He asks. I recognize his voice from his prayer and nod to him.

"I heard your prayer." I say as I place my hand on his shoulder.

He stays silent as I delve deeper into his life, learning why he died and where he deserves to serve.

Steph's Point of View

It's been a week since arriving in heaven again. Other than Wolf confirming that I heard the whole conversation, we haven't brought up the discussion.

I strip the towels hanging from the clothes line and shake each one to soften them before tossing them in the basket at my feet. Hopefully mother appreciates my effort of helping out around the house.

I carry the basket inside and sit on the couch and start to fold each one. Father comes in the house and sits in a chair opposite to me and watches me fold for a few minutes.

"I have a proposal for you." He tells me. I glance up and look him in the eye for a second, then continue folding towels.

"It's a mission on earth." He continues. "There is a very beautiful couple that have been praying about having a child."

I set a folded towel down and look up at him instead of picking up another to fold.

"Her uterus can't hold a baby. She's been looking for a surrogate to implant a fertilized egg into. Can you be that surrogate? I can send you down with Wolf. She has a spare bedroom that you two can live in during the pregnancy."

I close my eyes for a second and think about it. It sounds like a good opportunity to just relax and kick back for a while. I look at him again and nod my head in confirmation. He smiles softly.

"I'll get you registered then. I'll let you know when they select you." He turns and leaves.

I pick up another towel and start to fold it, but am interrupted again when Wolf comes into the house.

"Father told me of your deal with him." He starts. I nod again in response, continuing to fold the towels. He picks one up in his hands and folds it.

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