I Can Guarantee That I'm Not on Drugs

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I awake in a familiar bed, feeling better than when I passed out. I look to my side and see mother there, reading a book as usual. De ja vu.

I feel that I'm healed already, so Wolf must have brought in a cure, which means that control of heaven's lab was regained.

"Good morning." Mother says to me, closing her book.

I try saying good morning to her out loud, but I can't even form the words in my mouth, so I tell her in a mind link instead. 'Good morning.'

'How are you feeling?' She asks me in a mind link as well.

'We won, didn't we?' I ask her, ignoring her question.

'We're close. Father has his position. We are still working on those who won't accept the reality.'


'You should be good to go help him. He needs a few extra guards.' She tells me. I sit up and swing my legs over the side of the bed, feeling that she is right about my health.

I find my new sword by the side of my bed and attach it to my belt before leaving the house. I follow the pathway to the gates of heaven, on the other side of which Father sits in his throne. As I approach I notice that he sits tense, and he turns quickly when he hears me approaching. He lowers the sword in his hand and makes eye contact with me for a few seconds as I approach.

His gaze makes me feel intimidated. I have the urge to bow down to show respect, but I shove it down and continue approaching him.

'Are you on drugs again?' He asks, disappointment evident in his tone.

'No, not that I know of.' I respond as evenly as I can, hurt by the accusation.

'Your pupils are dilated.' He says matter-of-factly.

'Maybe it's a side effect from the poison.' I tell him, just noticing a slight tremor in my muscles and that everything is extra bright.

'Hmm.' He huffs before looking away.

'Are we still using poison here or should I wash my sword?'

'Yes. They aren't letting up on it, so we must do it to protect ourselves.'

'Okay. Are we taking prisoners?'

'Yes. Cobalt has been transporting them to the chambers in Hell.' He responds. I nod my head slightly even though he's not looking. I turn away from him and watch the gates as he watches the pathway where angels are reborn.

After a couple hours of no attacks and only human deaths, Father lowers his guard slightly. He allows his sword to rest lightly on the ground rather than be held at attention.

'Wolf needs you in the lab.' He tells me.

Without another word I turn and stride through the gates, walking down yet another pathway to the lab.

I walk in the doors to the lab and the angel at the front desk points to the hallway down the left. I follow her directions and walk down the hallway to see Wolf walking from one room to another. I catch up to him and take a position next to his side as he counts vials.

'Father says that you have something wrong and he doesn't know what.' He tells me.

'Cut the crap. He thinks I'm on drugs again.' I tell Wolf.

I feel a slight dizziness come over me, so I spread my feet apart to keep from swaying. The feeling subsides and I watch as Wolf takes a couple vials from one rack and moves them to another.

'I think he actually believes you this time, which is why you're here. He thinks it could be a side effect from the poison and he wants me to check out your symptoms then go pay the other angels a visit.'

'Wow, what a surprise.' I respond.

'Follow me.' Wolf tells me, turning and leaving the room. I follow him into another room with a recliner and medical equipment in it. I sit in the chair as he gestures and he looks at me intently. I stay still as he rests his fingers on my pulse on my neck for a minute and as he touches my neck and forehead.

'Are you feeling any different?' He asks.

'Just some slight muscle tremors and Father said my pupils were dilated.'

Wolf strides over and turns off the lights. He grabs for a tool on the counter, but his actions are interrupted by a message from Father to both of us.

'Need backup at the gates. Come armed.'

Wolf and I look at each other from a split second before striding out of the building, both of us with our swords on our hips.

We open our wings and take off, shooting straight up into the air. I lead in the direction of the edge of heaven just west of the gates. As we approach the edge, I feel the rip currents trying to pull me down. I check behind me to see if Wolf is following, then I plunge into the currents.

I tuck and barrel roll through, coming out just past the currents. Wolf follows closely, so we both fly right below the edge of heaven up to the gates.

What am I doing here? I catch myself thinking. I shake my head and continue flying.

As we approach the gates I notice my vision is slightly blurred.

Wolf and I burst above the edge of the pathway to find a group of about 20 angels circled around Father. Wolf lunges for them and strikes 5 or 6 of them in one hit, which causes the rest to draw their attention to us.

I stay in the air, waiting for them to come to me where I have the advantage. Only one comes for me, and I reach out and deliver a cut to his upper arm. He recoils and falls to the stones beneath him.

Why am I here?

I watch as Wolf fights against the other angels.

My vision goes black for a second. I find myself dropping from the air and I panic and stroke my wings to regain my position in the air.

Father looks me in the eye for a second then shakes his head in disappointment before defending himself against another angel.

Another angel attacks me and I sluggishly strike at them, hitting their leg before they can strike me.

My vision gets dark around the edges and I feel slightly dizzy. I continue watching the fight below, trying to stay in the air.

My mind gets clear for a minute, so I lunge forward to attack the group surrounding Father. I strike three of them in the back of the legs with my sword, causing them to collapse on the ground.

Two others turn and charge me, so I backstroke to get them out of my space. I strike at them and they deflect my sword, so I prepare a counterstrike.

My vision goes black again and I feel a strike across both my thighs with an opponents sword.

Without being able to see, I backstroke away from my opponents.

I try to mind link Wolf, but that immediately gives me a mind shattering headache.

I try desperately to open my eyes, but find that they are already open.

I place my sword in it's sheath with shaky hands as I drowsy feeling comes over me.

Where am I?

My head feels like it's being wrenched into a vice. I try to tell out, but nothing comes of my internal battle.

Where am I?

I fight with myself to maintain consciousness. At this point I don't know if I am over heaven or over earth.

Why does my head hurt?

My mind goes blank again as I lose my internal battle. This time, everything is quiet.

I lose consciousness fully this time.

I've lost the battle. 

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