A Wonderful Visit

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I awake with a start in a cold sweat. I feel sick, but at the same time I don't feel like vomiting. I lay there, not wanting to move, just staring at a wall.

Hours later, the women comes back.

'I'm dying. I don't want to die.' I tell her.

She nods sadly, looking at me.

'Wolf could help me if you let him.'

'Why don't you ask him? I can escort him.' She responds.

My head already hurts from that short conversation, so I wait a minute before trying to contact Wolf. I know it may be unsuccessful because of the distance, but it is worth a try.

'Wolf. I need help. I have something wrong with my lungs again and I'm dying.' I tell him, causing a massive migraine immediately.

'Is this a trap?' He responds, surprising me.

'No. Help. Please.' I tell him, making my head feel like its being split open. I cover my eyes to block out the dim light, then turn on my side. I ignore the woman as she touches my forehead again and looks me over. Once again, I drift off into a deep sleep.

I awake this time to find Wolf standing over me. He talks with the woman, but I don't pay attention to his words. I close my eyes again to relieve my headache. I feel him place a needle into my arm, then forces whatever liquid inside into my veins.

After a few minutes I start to feel more alive. I open my eyes again and watch as Wolf draws more serums into different syringes, passing each off to the woman.

'How are you feeling?' I hear in my head from Wolf.

'Better.' I tell him. I push myself upright and he sits next to me.

I flinch slightly when he puts his arm around me, but then I lean into his embrace. 'I've missed you.' I tell him.

'I've missed you as well. We haven't really been apart since we met.'

'Most angels would hate each other by now.' I tell him, laughing slightly.

'We seem to tolerate each other well.' He responds, smirking.

'Even with all that torture, I was always impressed with your work at the academy.'

'How so?'

'You evaded the eye of Father, disguised as a human while doing angel work, then you found the cure for a broken angel.'

'I was horrible and I regret every minute of it.'

'A couple years torture on a couple angels and you found the cure. I wouldn't regret anything.' I tell him.

'You still have nightmares about it. I should have done my testing in heaven.'

'It's not like you made the problem worse. You just piggy backed on the humans work.'

'Fair point.' He responds to me. He leans in to me more. 'It's like a sanctuary here, isn't it?'

'No, but it's still the best prison I've ever been held in. This lady is nice.'

'I almost wish I could stay. I hate the fighting.'

'But if you're gone, we lose. No matter what.' I say through the mind link.

'We need to figure on an escape plan.' Father says to us in a mind link.

'When I get healthy again I can shapeshift into something small and try to sneak out.'

'I can distract them while you do that.' Wolf offers.

'Good. I will communicate when she is well and we will set a plan then.' Father says. The woman takes one of my blankets and tosses a clean one on my lap.

'I need to get going now. They have the gates under their control, so we are suffering some major hits.' Wolf tells us. I give him a hug and he stands up and walks out of the cell. He looks back at me one more time before following the woman out.

Hours pass, and I just keep staring at the wall ahead of me, longing for Wolf's touch. In human terms they would call this romantic love, but when you become an angel, permanent relationships cease to exist. The animal instinct takes over and an angel is left going from partner to partner, soliciting sex and having short relationships. There are no such things as boyfriend and girlfriend, and nobody gets upset when they separate. Angels don't make commitments since so much can change in an eternity.

I lay back again, now focusing on the ceiling. Whatever Wolf gave me is working to heal whatever infection I had. I assume it is his miracle cure mixed with antibiotics.

'I'm sorry for everything.' Father says to me through a mind link. I wait for a second to respond, simply needing time to process exactly what he just said. 'I really am proud of you and everything you have done.'

'It doesn't seem like you show it too well.'

'I'm sorry.'

'You keep pointing out my flaws.'

'I point them out so you can fix them.'

'I can already tell when I've done something wrong. You don't need to rub it in.'

'I'll get better. You have my promise.' He tellsme. For some reason I believe him, which causes relief to wash over me. I smilelightly and close my eyes, content with the current situation. Within moments Ifind myself slipping off into a dreamless sleep. 

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