A Solution on Earth

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Wolf's Point of View

Her condition perplexes me.

She won't regain full consciousness, but I can tell she is there.

I think of what is could be. Poison? Drugs? This problem may be beyond what the simple hospitals in heaven can do.

"She needs to go to human hospital." Her mother says to me, catching my attention. "There's nothing we can do here for her."

"What do you think is wrong with her?" I ask, shocked by the whole situation.

"I don't know. We have checked every inch of her body and there is no infections or injuries. There is simply nothing we can do here." She tells me. I stare at Steph for a minute before doing anything. Steph groans, but doesn't seem to wake up. Without another word I pick her up gently and hold her against my body with both arms. I walk out the door of the house and make my way to the gates of heaven. Father only looks at me and nods as I pass him.

As I approach the edge I open my wings wide and lean off the edge. The wind catches my wings and pulls me downward, but I hold my wings out and position into a negative angle of 45 degrees. I glide through the clouds, feeling the pricks of water and ice on my skin. I hear another groan from Steph and she moves her hand, but she falls still again after.

The air currents become stronger and rip at my wings, tossing me back and forth in the sky. I lose balance and start a fast plummet. Within moments I regain control and maintain a fast glide downward.

Seeing the ground approach, I stroke my wings to slow me down. Within moments my feet hit the ground, causing shooting pains to go up my legs from the shock. I hide my wings and walk quickly down the street. Having landed in the alleyway in a city, it is easy to find the closest store.

"Help, my girlfriend passed out and isn't waking up." I tell one of the males working in the store. He jumps out of his seat behind the counter and grabs for the telephone on the counter. He gives the person receiving his call information and in a few minutes an ambulance shows up outside the door. I join them outside and place her gently on the stretcher. They get to work checking her vitals and I sit down on a bench in the ambulance.

I close my eyes and allow my mind to wander.

Steph's Point of View

I am vaguely aware of moving. I try to open my eyes but everything is foggy.

Time is no longer relevant.

I lay numb. My skin tingles all over, like I'm being pricked by a million fine needles. Someone grabbing my arm aggravates my nerves, making me want to hiss in pain, but I can't make a sound.

Wolf's point of view

It hurts to see her lay in pain on the bed unable to move. Doctors poke her with needles and run tests on her, one after another. A nurse walks in and wheels her bed out, leaving me sitting in the chair in the now otherwise empty room.

My mind wanders to the ceremony where the prophecy was ended. Cutting through her flesh with my dagger was not what I wanted to do, but I know it was necessary. I feel guilty the anesthetic didn't work the whole way though. Her screams still haunt me, echoing inside my head every time I look at her.

My thoughts are interrupted when she is returned. She lays peacefully on the bed now, obviously sedated even more.

"Mr Wolf, I would like to discuss the results with you." The nurse tells me. Instead of telling her that my first name is Wolf, I silently comply, following her from the room. Just outside the door is a small screen on a cart, which shows black and white images of her brain.

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