Chapter 2.2

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Copyright © 2012 Kamilla

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Chapter 2.2


"Anna, is that you?'' No mom, it's a completely stranger with the key to the house. God, why does she even ask?

"Yes!'' I yelled back and slipped off my shoes and threw the school bag into the corner in our hallway.

"How was school? You didn't get late did you? You know very well that I don't like it when you stay out for so long and...''

''Mom! I understand, ok? And no, I didn't get late,'' I interrupted her before she got all worked up and start yelling again. I know this routine too well; it's always the same.

"Oh, that's good. I am having an early meeting today, will you be okay alone?'' My mom sent me a worried glance; I think she was more worried about me going out or invite Cameron over, something like that.

"Yeah, I'll be fine. I'm not twelve, mom,'' I watched her face while I spoke, seeing her smile a defeated small smile, before nodding acknowledging. Small wrinkles were visible right beside her eyes when she smiled, but she still looked young. People even thought that we were sisters sometimes. Pfft, were they blind or something? 

Okay then, I could see why. We have our similarities; we both have crystal blue eyes and extremely thick eyelashes - our nose is as straight if you look away from the little arch on the middle that's almost invincible - we've got long, dark hair with big waves in it, something I am very grateful for.

And I can't forget our height; I actually got my height from my mom's side. Even though my dad is pretty tall, it's my mom's family side that has all the tall people in it. Still, I haven't gotten as tall as my mom, yet.

"Okay darling, I'll be leaving son. Dinner is in the fridge and don’t forget to do your homework,'' at the last part she sent me a warning glare.

"Yeah, yeah. I've got it,'' I turned around on my heels and made my way up the stairs towards my room; eventually inside I locked the door and started searching for my phone.

My room is comfortably big; as you can tell my mom is on a lot of meetings all the time and get well paid by the company she is working for. She's a lawyer and has the longest education ever; when I was little I promised myself that I would never study law. It's not that it's a bad thing; it's just that I can't see myself getting all worked up for a career like that. I want to be architecture. I need a grand education to be that - oh well; I'm already taking the hard classes anyway. 

Well, my room has always been painted in this bright beige colour, and last year I decorated everything and changed my furniture so that everything matches. It looks so much better now and I love spending time in my room. 

My phone was under all my dirty clothes on my queen-sized bed, and I smiled in triumph when I found it. I strolled down every name on my contact list, looking for his. It finally came into view and I pressed the green phone button.


"Michael? It's me,'' it fluttered in my stomach like ice-cold butterflies just by hearing his deep voice, how can somebody be so freaking sexy?

"Are you coming over?'' I rolled my eyes, typical him going straight to the question.

"I can't tonight, I'm really sorry. It's just that my mom wants me to do some homework and you know how she is,''

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