Having Hair.

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Ok for all of you out there who have long hair at 12 years old, please comment. I am that age and my hair is long and thick. It goes down to my belly button. So it is so hard to take care of but for all of the people who want long hair I will give you tips. :)

1: Wash your hair once a week.

It will feel gross but, you know how your hair gets greasy?  Well that is actually good for your hair.

2: Trim every 6 months.

It is NOT good to trim every three months. It won't grow if you keep chopping it off!

3: Use Herbal Essences.

This is just a suggestion, but it makes your hair really shiny and it's good for your hair.

4: Don't use Heat on your hair.

If you straighten your hair every day without using heat protection it makes your hair pretty much burn. I don't bring heat to my hair. Like only on picture day and to dances. I don't do it every day. Also I don't blow dry my hair. I let it air dry.

5: Brush it.

We all brush it but, do you brush it before bed? Some people do. I can't even sleep if my hair isn't brushed. I have a fear that it will knot up and I will have to cut it. I brush in the morning,  at night, and after school.

6: Flip it.

Well since my hair is so long for my age I don't like laying on it. I always flip it over my pillow and let it sit there. It is more comfortable and keeps it out of the way.

7: Keep it up.

I sometimes keep my hair up and it is a proven fact that keeping your hair up makes it long. For years I kept my hair up and didn't let it down. It's long now.

8: People touching.

I absolutely hate it when people touch my hair. I tell them not to but they do it anyway.

9: Have fun with your improved hair.

10: Comment if this chapter helped you.

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