Ok. Racism.

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My dad reads the news. He stumbled upon an article. These two cops beat a black man to near death, he was almost paralysed. He was doing a crime but cops are supposed to say ' put your hands up' and pull their guns then arrest him. they beat this dude to near death. the cops went to court and were pleaded not guilty. That is screwed up. you know what makes me mad? they make commercials, mostly black, and make it seem like we are not racist. Screwed up. I thought MLK made a difference? we don't have black and white privileges but white have an advantage. it's stupid. I'm defending black and yet I am Caucasian. I think that no matter what skin color you are you should have the same privileges. I am ashamed to be Caucasian. We are cruel. One of my best friends are black. what if it happened to him? or his older sisters? White government officials DON'T CARE. they are self centered. and cruel. I wish I could protest against racism. Thanks for reading.

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