Being a girl. WARNING For females. Males wont want to read.

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Ugh. I hate being a female. Periods ,mood swings, cramps, being sexualized. it sucks. I am twelve and got my first period when I was 11. in the middle of my math class. the math teacher was male last year. I wasn't about to tell a dude that my vagina was bleeding. I knew what a period was when I was 7. I sort of walked in on my mom. she told me. so for the rest of the years until I had it I always looked at my toilet paper. one day BAM. Blood. I didn't know what to do. so I put toilet paper in my undies. The worst part is I had gym. It sucks having a period during gym. But anyway the only person I told was Alana. She didn't know either. So I just went with it. when I got off the bus I said "Mom, I started my period." You know what she said? " My baby girl is growing up!" I got home then my mother had to show me how to put on my pad. It was EXTREMELY awkward. So that sucked. Then came summer. I got strep throat, then after that period, then ear infections in not of my ears, then I got dehydrated 5 times. That was my summer 11. I hate being female sometime. Males think females are emotional because we feel like it. I get really happy when i am on it. then bam I get cramps and nobody wants to be around me. also I bleed very heavy. I go through at least 5-8 pads a day. It sucks. I don't know what men have to go through and i never want to find out but it's definitely not worse than a period.  Thank-you. Comment on my message board and stuff. follow etc. Biieee. Love walls Compacho's.

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