Dedication for being awesome.

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This  chapter is dedicated to Civilized_Nerd. She is an awesome person, she agrees the Stefan Salvatore is as ugly as Edward Cullen. Other people have their opinions, you may think Stefan is hot. But if you weren't looking for opinions than don't read this book. It's a book to post my opinions. That is why I wrote this book.

Song reruns

Moving on, People who sing the National Anthem  at football games. Ugh. They hold the notes to long and do the up and down thingy with their voice when they aren't supposed to. Ugh. Song reruns to. I hate it when people get famous for singing other people's songs. I am NOT talking about the shows. I mean a person just remakes other people's songs and takes credit for it. I was wanting to listen to a One Direction song and it turns out that it was some one else. Now you may think I  big with One Direction but I am not. I like the Best Song Ever and What Makes You Beautiful. Like I said in the about me chapter. I like Christina Perri. She is my favorite artist ever. Three songs I don't listen to by her is Be my forever, bang bang, and tragedy. So Im not like most twelve year olds.

inappropriate songs.

The new songs like Anaconda I hate it. I don't know if that was spelled right but my spell check isn't working right. Anyway it's stupid. Really? Referring to a snake liking butts and judging another person's but when ever  Nicky's boobs are so big I am surprised haven't exploded out of her chest. There are kindergarteners that i am friends with ( Cousins Of Jessica) Who are singing it. Fifth graders who already know the full story of what sex is through those god forsaken songs. It makes me sick. Jessie J has a song called do it like a dude. It's terrible. it sings about humping like men. Kids these days are listening to them. There was a commercial and these 6 Year old girls were saying the f word to get a point through, People thought it was funny. If people don't want men to sexualize women then those songs should be forbidden. I was 10 and wore shorts that were decent and my wedges. these old men were starring at my butt. I never wore my wedges again. I gave them to my cousin. I freaking hate when people comment about butts. I fridgeing hate it. Well that's all for now. Comment, vote, and suggestions on my message board. Thankyalls Compacho's! Bye!

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