About Me

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Your all probably wondering 'Who is this chick ranting about random things?' That's s why I wrote this chapter. I am going to tell you about me. I already told you about family life so now I am going to talk about me.

My Age

I am 12. Turned 12 on October first. I was born on October 1st 2002.

My Favorite T.V shows.

My favorite tv shows are: The Vampire Diaries, Falling Skies, The Secret Circle, Revolution, The Walking Dead, Avengers, H2o, Mako Mermaids, Lost, Heroes, Once Upon A Time, and The Originals. Almost Forgot, this will make you think I am kiddish but... Veggie Tales.

My T.V Dislikes.

Daniel Tiger, Dora, SuperWhy, Chuggington, Bob The Builder, Pretty much anything that has anything to do with sharing and kindness. (except Veggie Tales.)


I absolutely LOVE swimming. I love to read, write books, obviously rant, ride bikes, do stuff on the trampoline, play with mud, climb trees, ride my bike (when the construction workers are not there.) I love doing science. it's my favorite subject. I love drawing, sculpting and painting. So art.

What I look like.

Long brown hair but died it a dark cherry red, brown eyes and I am short but I am young. I can still grow.

My Pathetic Social Life.

I don't have instagram, snapshot, Facebook, face time, a cellphone, anything but this app to talk to my friends. I only have three I talk to. My social life is face to face, mail, or watt pad.

My personality.

I am clumsy, and funny. I tell jokes all the time and my clumsiness makes me funny. And I can be oblivious to the most obvious things. I am one of those people who act without thinking.

Favorite foods.

Hummus, jojos, chicken, pretzels, hotdogs, junk but most of all... berries. I absolutely love all of the berries except poison ones. Especially BlackBerry blueberries and raspberries. yum.

Music tastes.

i am not like most people. I don't like rap or fast upbeat songs. I like Sarah Barellies, Christina Perri, The Script, Mary Lambert, Anna Nalick, Adele, Imagine Dragons, One Republic, Cold Play, Birdy and so on. I like slow songs. I like one song by Ed Sheeran, called Give  Me Love.

My Group.

My Group consists of psychos, weirdos, tomboys,  Funny people and two boys. They are Carissa, Raine, Gracie, Alana, Jessica, Alaina, Nikkie, Audrey,Trevor, Zach, Paige and Me.

Carrissa, Audrey= Psychos

Alana, Me, Trevor= Funny people.


Trevor, Zach= Boys


That's my group. I will tell you more about them next chapter. I love all of my friends. they all have my back and Compacho me. (Compacho means thanks for saving my face. :) So that's us. thanks for reading.

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