Middle school drama.

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The latest gossip is that Trevor dating Alana! They look for my reaction and I want to so badly want to say, 'Does it look like I give two Fucks about it?!' Well I don't so shut the Fuck up. I am one of those people who doesn't give a shit about gossip. It's like do you have nothing better to do!? Get the Fuck over it. Get a life. Gossip girls/ boys have nothing better to do so they gossip! It's like nobody cares. Trevor gets back with Alana and Ariel gets mad. She tried to turn me against Alana and Trevor. She gossips about them. I tell her I don't give a crap.

That makes me mad. I don't give a fuck about it. I wish people were mute sometimes. Middle school Fucking sucks! People are dating and i dont even give a fuck about dating. I love to talk about boob chocolate and funny shit. I don't want to talk about relationships. They suck. What are you gonna do about it? Go to dinner? A movie? From what I have heard dating is for teenagers and adults. There is no point. Ugh!

I am in a bad mood. I hate school. I hate unreasonable teachers. they are stupid sometimes.

Anyway,  if you are a chick and you do this comment.

I put my candy and shit in my bra. What is so wrong about that? People think it is the most disgusting thing on earth. When my hands get cold I stick them in my bra. It is warm and i don't give a shit if you don't like it. I put my chocolate bars in my bra, and candy and crap I might forget. People are so mean. I am a weirdo. I put shit in my bra, I make bad sex jokes, I listen to veggie tales songs, I talk about unicorns and peter pan flying into my bedroom, i have bad dreams about the woman in black in a Santa suit chasing me with a stapler, I knock over jars with French fries, I put glue on my hands and peel it off, i don't watch tv, (Only My favorite shows occasionally.) I read books for entertainment, I like pee wee, I quote shows for shows, i love my hair, I am obsessed with my hair, i am secretly claustrophobic, I am probably one of the weirdest person you will ever hear of. You don't like it guess what?! I DON'T GIVE A SHIT!

Thank you.

Gosh. Staplers. I am ranting.Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum