Fingers+ staplers =Pure and utter pain.

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Ok. I was trying to fix my miniature stapler and then stapled my fingers. I was bleeding and it got bruised. I am going to tell you a few stories that are true. I was trying to throw a French fry at a duck and knocked over a jar of rocks. my mom broke her toe on a blanket and broke her tooth on a doughnut. My dog is scared of Tupperware containers and lotion baby cousin chews on rugs. how many times in your life do you get to say that. make going on to jokes. Spork. a spoon and and a fork get together. on a volley ball sheet it say sex m or f.

does anybody watch kid snippets? if you do then you are awesome. my form of cuss words is: Crapizoid, dipcrap, fridge, shizzle, and this one is made by my personal friend Gracie cunfuzzled. my enemy is staplers and porches. you know the stapler story but when I was 6 I got a really big splinter and my grandpa had to cut my skin to get to it and I had to wear bandages. it sucked. my favorite word is Compacho. it means HELLO you saved my face. if you like this book than tell me. all if these events are real. all of them happened. ALL OF THEM. I will get personal next chapter.

Gosh. Staplers. I am ranting.Where stories live. Discover now