Chapter 17

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It's been 2 weeks since we've had arrived and the things are .... How do I put it? Let's just say a little confusing for me. I mean I spent my whole 18 years of life in the forest, so I didn't knew about alot of electronics products.

And what the Hell is a PHONE? It's a black box thingie that lits up.

At first I was really failing in those things but Lucifer or should I say Luci like she prefers it, helped me alot. She taught me that the black box is used for calling one person to another and blah blah blah.

Luci is really sweet. She is such a gentlewoman.

The academy was amazing! There's lots of girls here. Some were friendly, some didn't like me. I had to asked Matsuri about it and she told me that Luci is popular among students and has lots of suitors. So they don't like me.

I've had been friends with all of the council people. The Angeles.

The thing is I think Luci is hiding something from me and Mei knew about it. I don't like secrets. I told her Everything about myself and she did too but was bothering her. And that's affecting our relationship.

I was walking towards the council office. I had been searching her and I didn't found her anywhere. The last place was council room and that place is like Mei's throne room.

I was about to barged in the room when I heard voices, wait Mei and Luci?


I was doing some paperwork about our last trip to Salem and our upcoming trip to don't know where, when Luci barged in the council office like she owns it.

Well her sister does own it....

"YOU KNEW!" she shouted while pointed her finger at me.

"What?" I asked half confuised.

"You knew about Echo's parents. You knew who killed them! Caleste told you!" Luci stated. I guess I had to told her.

I sighed and told her took a seat.
"Caleste told me when the last time I visited her." I said.

"So you knew that her parents were killed by angeles. The male arch angeles." I just nodded.

"And you knew that they killed the royal family bcoz they knew about the prophecy of Echo's birth!" What The Fuck. I didn't knew that.

"Hold your train I didn't knew about the prophecy."
"Are you telling me truth?"
"Why do I lie to you?"
"Look I LOVE Echo. I want her by my side for the rest of my life and how do u think she will react when she know that angeles, our very own kind killed her parents? What if she hates me? And leave me alone?"
"Luci those fucking angeles killed her parents not us. You can't do anything about it. You should tell her about her parents."

Luci nodded her head and that's when I noticed Yuzu and everyone there with Echo and she was crying. Fuck. She heard Everything. Luci noticed me staring behind her, so she turned around and her face went pale.

She stood up and walked towards Echo but Echo ran out of the room. Yuzu turned to face me but I shake my head no.


I went after Echo, calling her name through the hallways. She heard everything and now she hate me. I had no doubt she hate me but I still had to gave her my side of explanation.

"Echo wait please let me explain" I shouted and ran faster when she used her super speed. We were in forest outside of academy.

I ran faster and jumped on her causing us to fell and roll on the grass. I hugged her body with mine so I took the most damage. I got a few cuts on my face and arms but that's not important my cookie is more important.

We came to a halt and stopped. She was fighting to break free but I didn't give up and tightened my grip on her. After some minutes she stopped and started sobbing on me. I let her cry and gently run my hand through her hair.

After 10-15 minutes, Echo finally stopped crying and we just laid there in each other's arm. "I'm sorry. I should've told you about your parents but I-i was sc-scared. I didn't knew how to tell you" I said with shaky voice. In those moments I realised how scared I was to loose Echo. In just two weeks she became my everything. I love her more than anything.

"Like Mei said it's not your fault. The evil angeles killed them. And I understand that you were scared. I don't hate you Luci. I could never hate you. Just don't keep secrets from me. I don't like keeping secrets." She said and kissed my cheek.

I smiled and kissed her on the lips with all my love, passion and care.
"I love you Echo" there I said it. Now it's out in the open.

"I love you too Luci with all my heart" she said and kissed my nose. I scrunched up my face a little making her laugh.

"What's that prophecy about my birth?"

" 'When the white wolf rise, the house of howls will crumble down. The white wing will pay the price' I think the Angeles knew about the prophecy and thrird to kill you so they could make sure they're safe. But they failed. And I'm sooo glad that you're here with me"

After our little heart to heart talk we walked back to the academy. We went to the council room and I wasn't surprised to see everyone there.

"How are you two?" Yuzu asked. She's always make sure to help me with Echo and other stuff.
"We are fine" Echo answered and smiled at me. I smiled and planted a small kiss on her forhead.

"Can we talk about our next location?" Mitsuko asked.
"I was thinking about Hell" I whipped my head to Mei.
"What? I thought you will be thrilled?" She asked.
"Well am not if you all will visit 'Castle of prophets' in hell" I said.
"Why not? I want visit that castle since forever!" Sara and Matsuri whined.
"The castle is not a place where you go and post selfies on Instagram" I retorted.
"Why can't we go there?" Maruta asked.

"I will tell you from the start about the Hell and the castle" I said and all of them got comfortable with blankets and snacks. Echo sat beside me and cuddled up.

"The hell is a place with it own powers. Hell can grant powers to them who are worthy and strong enough to handle dark powers. The 'Castle of Prophets' is the first building that hell created itself. The castle is surrounding by forest of death. The forest is the line that seperate hell from purgatory. Purgatory is where the souls that don't belong anywhere go. They're called rouge souls or ghouls. They're evil and just want to kill. Demons are afraid to go there bcoz of ghouls. The castle itself has dark powers. When u exit it means the gate is closed for you no matter what. The nuns well they're unique. The Nuns of dark. They know the history or past of anything and everything. I visited the castle 3 times in my ruling era and all the times nuns never let me saw any prophecy about my future. And threw me out everytime when I tried to sneak in. They don't care who we are. So I want to visit hell at last" I finished with pleading voice.

Everyone looked at eachother and at last at me. They all nodded and I hugged Echo out of my happiness.

"We are going Atlantis then?" Himeko asked.

"We are going Atlantis! We will leave after 3 days. Pack your bags" Mei said and walked out with everyone.

"You will love Atlantis my love" I whispered to Echo. She shivered. I love the effect I have on her.

"I will be looking forward to it" she said just above my lips and then walked out.







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