Chapter 1

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Author's Pov

"Why you always leave me? Why are we not together? Please don't leave me this time, I need you! I need you more than anything. Please! Please! No! No, no, no! Nooooooooooooo....."
Yuzu woke up from sleep with heavy breathing and panting. Her face was all red, sweaty and scared like she don't know what happened??

Ume ran towards Yuzu's room as she heard her scream " Yuzu what happened? Are you ok? Are you hurt somewhere or something?" Ume asked while breaking up the door.
"Mom, I'm fine. It was just a dream" Yuzu said.
"You mean the same dream as nightmare" Ume said while walking towards her.
"Yeah... but this time... it was different" Yuzu said
"Different?? How?" Ume asked while patting Yuzu's head
"I...I saw her. I saw her eyes. Her lavender purple eyes, deeper than the ocean, with so much pain, love and anger in it. Like she wanted to say something" Yuzu said while walking to the window
"Alright. You should get ready for your first day of new school" Ume said as she exited the room
"Yeah! First day of new school. I should get ready" Yuzu said to herself and walked to the bathroom, took a quick shower and put her uniform on take her bag and exited the room.

Yuzu walked towards the living room and sat down on the chair as she ate her breakfast. Ume noticed her daughter with dull emerald green eyes and no expression at all not happiness nor cheeringness.

Yuzu who used be a happy and cheering person like a light of hope in darkness, who always help out others and no Matter what happen always stayed happy but after a deadly incident. The Yuzu that everyone knew was gone her emerald green eyes that used to be fill with energy now just fill with dullness and coldness. Her bright sunny smile that was always  stick on her face now gone only left the stone-cold face with no expression.

"Yuzu are you exciting for your first day of new school?" Ume asked as she tried to cheer her up
"Hmmm.." Yuzu said
"So... I make your bunto" Ume said
"Thanks mom" Yuzu said with her dull voice
"Mom I gotta go. I'll see you later after school" Yuzu said as she got up from her chair
"Huhh but you haven't eat properly" Ume exclaimed
"I don't feel so hungry and I've my bunto so I gotta go. Bye mom" Yuzu said as she walked outside and left the apartment
"The Yuzu i knew really is gone" Ume said to herself in a very sad voice.

Yuzu walked down on the streets going to the school. "Aihara Academy, one of the best in descipline and education in the country with best students" Yuzu said as she googled her new school

Yuzu was standing in front of school. She was about to got entered into the school when a girl stopped her "Excuse me please but mobile phones are not allowed in the school, this is against our school policies" girl said with a smile on her face
"Ohh...... well I'm a new  student in this school and also new in this city. I don't know about your policies" Yuzu said
"Hey Maruta is this girl giving any troubles?" A girl with tornado black hair and purple eyes came with a band on her arm with VICE-PRESIDENT written on it.
"You can't carry a mobile phone in school and your blonde hair is also against the rules" the tornado haired said
"Like I said I'm a new student and I'll follow your slappy rules from tomorrow but now just let me in and a mobile phone and my appearance is not important, it won't down my studies" Yuzu said with a bit anger in her voice

"It does!" A girl said with coldness in her voice. That girl has long silky straight black raven hair with purple lavender eyes walked into the scene.
"Huh? This voice..... Sound so familiar" Yuzu mumble as she turned back to look at the girl. The girl walked closer to them everyone started mumbling PRESIDENT. Yuzu's eyes widened open as she saw a pair of purple lavender eyes who reminds her of her dream.
"Her e-eyes .. are the same as my dream just like deeper than ocean, with so much pain and coldness. Is- Is this the girl I-I've been dreaming?" Yuzu think to herself
"It does though, every student in this academy has same standard as others. Do you have a problem with that?" The raven haired girl said while walking towards them
"And your mobile phone is a violence in this academy I don't care if you're new in this school. You've to handover your phone" the raven haired girl said while giving her hand

On the other hand Yuzu was completely lost in her eyes. Her all focus was on her eyes. She didn't look anywhere else.
"She's so beautiful and her eyes, her voice. I just can't control it but this feeling in my heart, it's beating too fast with every single step she take, it's like it's gonna beat out off from my chest. What is happening to me? I never felt like this before" Yuzu think and handed over her phone to the President

"Good! I hope you'll follow rules from tomorrow" Raven haired girl said as she walked away with Yuzu's phone in her hand showing it off
"Wait what? I gave up my phone how? And she gave her hand like she knew I'll gave up my phone?" Yuzu said as she realised that she didn't had her phone
"Wait! At least tell me your name President" Yuzu screamed asked as she tried to get her attention
"Aihara! Mei Aihara" Mei said with a smirk on her face and walked away with her council group
"Mei! Huhh?" Yuzu said as her heart skip a beat
"What's going on with me?" Yuzu questioned herself

*Who is this girl?*
*Why Yuzu dreamed about her?*
*What's going to happen?*
One way to find out just read this story

Ok folks this is all for today. I hope you guys enjoy this story and sorry for bad grammar and if you guys have any thoughts and anything just comment down below. Good luck for now Toodles.

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