Chapter 19 : School

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The next day, after my morning routine, we headed off to school to inform that I'm finally awake. Sheesh... I wish I didn't have to do this.
“Mr. L/n! It is certainly wonderful to see you awake. I must say congratulations.” the principal said. “Huh? Congratulations? Why?” I said. “Well, you have been asleep for nearly a year, no? For you to wake up before New Year's is like a miracle to your family. So it would only make sense to congratulate on such miracle.” he flashed a smile to me. “Ahaha... there is really no need to congratulate. It is simply a miracle, a blessing, perhaps.” dad chuckled. “Thank you, sir.” I bowed. “Hahaha! Glad to see you have not changed in the slightest, despite your deep slumber. Still polite as ever, eh?” he laughed. I just chuckled awkwardly. Is my politeness being treated like an entire circus? “In any case, with you finally awake, you must now return to your studies. Do not suddenly fall asleep for a long time as an excuse to skip class, got it!?” he told. “Y-yes, sir!” I was startled by his boisterous voice. “That's wonderful. Anyhow, here are all of the studies you missed during your slumber.” he handed me a pile of documents? “Do these documents contain all of the materials?”
“Why, yes! I've asked the teachers of your class to print out all of the materials and put it together in documents. Each one of these documents contain different lessons from one another. The teachers themselves respectively labeled them to differentiate.” he explained. “Wow... thank you so much. I really appreciate all of this help, sir.” I bowed again. “No worries. I would have a lot of trouble knowing one of my students is missing out in this school.” he smiled. “I carried a hand bag just in case. We should place them inside.” he stated as he starts placing a document after another. “Right...”
I helped out a bit, I guess?
“Be sure to read them through, alright?” the principal suddenly said. “R-right, sir..” I hesitantly answered, although I don't really want to considering how thick these documents are. Plus I bet there's a lot of homeworks in them, right?
“Oh, by the way, since you missed out school for nearly a year, you'll receive a lot of tests and projects to do. Be sure to prepare yourself.”
Oh boy. I was afraid of this.
“My, really? Guess it's a disadvantage for sleeping for nearly the entire year.” dad chuckled. I can only sigh. The pressure is definitely on me.
“Don't worry, your old man here will help you out. You can even ask your friends for help, too.” he told me. I was a bit relieved, but I don't know if I'll be able to manage.
“Oh, and one last thing. There's a new student attending your class when you're asleep. You'll be able to meet her next year, but this is a photo of how she looks.” the principal informed. A photo of ‘her’? But why the need to show it to me? “Oh, Mr. L/n. Your face is too easy to read. I want to show the photo so that you are able to notice immediately when you return.” the principal laughed. “Ahaha... is that so?”
After I said that, he showed me a blonde-haired girl with a side ponytail. Her eyes are bright red and her face is quite small. Then my head started to pound like crazy. Why? Why would it pound when I saw her face?!
“Y/n, what's wrong?” my father said worrily. I couldn't say anything, I just fell to my knees with my hands holding my head. It hurts a lot. Then a voice of some kind spoke to me.
“Do.. remember...?”
The voice was faint. I could only make up a couple of words. But it was asking a question. What's happening to me? Why?! Why'd there be voice in my head? Why'd my head pound over some new girl I never knew? Before I could try and think of a reason, my consciousness slip away once more.

Am I awake...? Where am I? It's so dark, I can't see anything.
Somebody's calling out to me?
“Do you remember me...?” the faint, soft voice asked.
Remember... who?
“When you came into my life, that's when everything changed. I can still remember you. But... can you remember me?”
I can make up the words but not the voice? It was as soft as a whisper.
“I know who you are. And I know you love me.”
Love you? “Who are you?! What do you mean?” I screamed to whoever it was. It can't be my family or friends. And why am I even in this void of sorts? Am I dreaming? Imagining things? No... I can't fall asleep again!
“Were you the one trying to make me sleep!?” I yelled.
“I'm sorry.” the voice apologized.
“So, it's true. You're the one who made me sleep. How could you? Who even are you?!”
Silence, again. Just what's happening?
“You'll definitely... remember... but, not... now.”
Huh? What am I supposed to remember...?
Then, a different voice calls. I know it's different, because it's my father.

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