Chapter 6 : Remilia's Decision

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Btw, this book might turn out to be shorter oof.
That screech Flandre gave yesterday was blasting like a nuclear explosion.
It spread wide, echoed throughout the mansion.
It reached to Remilia's and Sakuya's ears.
Looks like he will be in a very big 'trouble'.
And even if it means of getting him killed.

Y/n's POV
I woke up just this morning. I saw Flan sleeping peacefully next to me, cuddling her teddy bear. I smiled at the sight and sat down. I yawned as I scratched my head. I carefully sneak out of the bed. ‘What should I do next...?’ I thought to myself. If I were to go to bath, I need Flan to accompany me. I think I've been relying too much on her for help. I think she's bound to be exhausted from carrying me all the time. I then sighed and decided to go to bath on my own. “Mr. Y/n...? Where... are you going...?” Flan mumbled suddenly as I reached for the door. I turn around and saw her slowly sitting down, rubbing her eyes. “Oh, just heading to bath.” “I'll go... with you...” she mumbled again, still slightly sleepy. “No, it's fine. You're tired, aren't you? Besides, if you're carrying me while you're sleepy like that, I don't know what will happen to me.” I joked, chuckling a little. “Hah? Are you saying I'm weak??” she said in an angry yet adorable voice, as usual, whilst pouting. I chuckled more. “Not that, I'm just worried about your health, Flan.” I said. “It's fine. Sakuya always give me good and healthy food for us! I'll be always full of energy.” she said, but yawned nontheless. I sighed. Then my stomach grumbles. “Flan, do you have any snacks for us to eat?” “Huh? Yeah I do! I keep them secretly because I stole it from the fridge and the kitchen cabinets. So don't tell anyone, especially Sakuya, okay?” she adorably chants, places her finger on her mouth and winks at me. I blushed lightly and nodded. I feel like a spell has been casted upon me. She then goes to her drawers and opens it. She took out a bag of chocolate chips. “You really like chocolate, huh?” “Yup! My favourite!” she said happily. I sighed happily and pat her head gently. "Is Y/n here?" Sakuya said out of nowhere. Both of us froze, but luckily our little secret isn't exposed in her view. "Yeah, I'm here. What do you need?" I said calmly. "Come with me. The mistress needs you." "Huh? For what?" "We have something to discuss."

I followed Sakuya to upstairs. We then enter the throne room ad finally faced Remilia. "You know we both made a little agreement, am I not right?" "Y-yes, we did, mistress." "And it is like a mere promise for you to me, do you not think so?" "Well... uhm... what do you ever mean, mistress?" I mumbled outloud. She proceeds to laugh hysterically. "You know exactly what I mean! If you make little Flandre sad just once, punishment awaits you. And you just did so. Are you really desperate for my punishments, human?!" she said angrily. All the maids there grew wilder and wilder like predators preparing to attack their prey. "No! It's not what it seems, Mrs. Scarlet! It was never my intention, I promise." "Your promises cannot be trusted. I'm afraid you have to pay the price." she said sternly as Sakuya made me knelt down and tied my hands. "Wait... what're you going to do to me...?" "Fufufu... the moments you desire dearly. Endure it while it last. Take him to the chamber." she said. The maids then pick up my arms and lift me up then take me away. "Wait! Please you have to understand!" I begged, but she didn't listen. I now panic for my life.
I remember what I did. I made Flandre cry. Her screech was very loud, like an angry banshee. Her cries must've echoed through the hallways. It would've destroyed everything if I didn't stop her from crying. She'd kill everyone, even myself. It was merely my mistake for making her cry, unable to maintain my own desires. I felt so ashamed of myself.
I was tied to a wooden cross, like those Christian beliefs of Jesus Christ, I believe. He died in the cross. Will I now suffer the same fate?
Remilia then came by, standing under me, in front of me. "Aren't you honored? If you are a man of culture, you would know about the Christian beliefs, Jesus Christ, is it not?" she exclaims. Just as I thought. I only can nod with shame and guilt on my back. "Fufu... at least you are well-informed, but you lack the capability to keep promises. Now, as for your punishments, I'll let my maids do as they wish. Enjoy your times, my dears." she left and waves at them. The maids were wielding all sorts of weapons and begin to stab me. I cough up blood as those stab wounds pierced through my flesh. I could almost feel my consciousness fade away. Sakuya only stood there, watching emotionlessly. All hope feels lost.





If it weren't for her.
An explosion emerged and I fell down.
I didn't know what happened because of the large thick smoke. I suddenly felt grabbed by my shirt and dragged away. I feel like flying. I look over and saw Flandre flying away whilst dragging me.
I felt the time stop for a split second and returns back. I look behind me and saw Sakuya in our way. "What are you doing, Flandre?! Do not interfere, and return us the human!" "No! He promised to be with me! I'm not lettibg you guys take him away from me!" she cries out as what-seemingly to be her clones emerge from her and attack Sakuya. Then the real Flan fled away but then Sakuya appears again. "Enough with your foolishness, Flandre. He hurted you enough!" "He didn't hurt me! He took care of me! And you're taking my happiness away from me!" she cries out more. Hearing that I'm her happiness was a relief. She didn't hate me. She never hate me. And I don't hate her. In fact, I'm feeling something else. An emotion, I couldn't describe into words.


Then another explosion emerged. A spear landed on the floor. We saw Remilia standing beside us. "You wasted my energy by making me use my Divine Spear. How foolish of you all." she said, disappointed. "I am terribly sorry, mistress." "It is quite alright. And as for you, Flandre, you dare to interfere with your sister's choice?" "I don't care about you! If Mr. Y/n dies, I don't know what will I do anymore!" "You're only with him for a few days yet you're so attached to him?! What makes him so special anyway that makes you fight my decisions?!" "He's special because he keeps me happy! He did make me cry before, but he apoligized and give me back what I wanted all along! You put me inside that basement because I'm dangerous? Mr. Y/n didn't feel that way! He accepted me for who I am, unlike you." she yelled. Those words cut deeper than my wounds, alright. It made Remi look devastated. A slight feeling of glee emerged in my heart. She sighed. "For now, you are released of all punishments. You all are dismissed." "Why do you hate him anyway?" Flan said. She didn't respond and left. Sakuya only approached me and Flan. She sighed sadly. "I'm terribly sorry. Please let me patch him up." she said. It's the first time she acted so kind to me. Flandre hesitated a bit but then hugs me then hands me over to her. "Please wait patiently in your room, Flandre."

Phew. What will happen next? Will Remilia decided to warm up to Y/n? Find out in the next chapter!

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